My quilting thoughts and inspirations sprinkled with a glimpse of life down on the farm

Saturday, December 2, 2023

December day two ...

I pulled out my current stitchery project tonight, hoping to get a bit more done. I had aimed to complete this by the end of November so Odie could have it displayed before Christmas - I'm running a little behind! 
I just have the gingerbread house at the bottom to do and I got a little further along on that.

We had a busy Saturday,  starting with a brunch/ morning tea here at home as a family get-together because our son is out of the country (for work) for the next few months. Bacon and eggs for some, waffles and strawberries for others, and biscuits for everyone for round two. 
Not everyone was able to come but here are the MOML and I with his parents, ED, and our son.
There were five cousins here - this photo is indicative of the fun they all had together.
Of course we all sat around chatting for longer than we thought we would and before we knew it, it was milking time. 
Lily and George stayed on when ED left, as she had her work Christmas 'do'. 
They love helping with the chooks.
They are learning how to approach a chicken to encourage her to squat down so she can be picked up. Of course, the chickens get fed up with the idea after a while, so I have to be careful that it doesn't become a chase-fest.
I took the kids back to their place and they were asleep within minutes.
Vinnie the greyhound kept me company while I was stitching.

'til next time,
happy stitches


  1. Oh how pretty!! Love that embroidery...and family...and those chickens!!

  2. Love the kiddos and the chicken photos--cute!!
    and that is a lovely gingerbread piece you are embroidering--I have a soft spot for gingerbread men!!!
    hugs, di

  3. I have only recently found your blog again and see you have a Greyhound. We often see a couple being walked past our house in Tikipunga. Lovely dogs.

  4. A good family get together..the more the merrier!

  5. good progess on the gingerbread house - especially with all other things happening....

  6. It looks like your family is happy and thriving. Also, I love your stitchery.

  7. How lovely go have the grandies come and help? With the animals.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day - hope the chickens coped with being picked up!

  9. Your stitchery is coming along beautifully. Very cute. The grandies always seem to have fun at your place.


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