Well I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering where the year is going?! Here it is March already, the nights are a lot more pleasant and the mornings cooler than what we're used to - yes, Autumn is on the way, I love this time of the year!
...the Chysanthemums are looking beautiful... |
..there is an abundance of fruit... |
... and the chooks are moulting - their fresh feathers will grow back in time for winter... (she couldn't work out which was her best side for the photo; I didn't have the heart to tell her she didn't really have a best side right now!) |
And in My Palace there's been a hive of activity this weekend. Another one of those secret projects so this photo below is all that I will show you for now.
Boring, huh?! I spent the weekend cutting and sewing up a storm and made great progress :-) |
Not a secret though is another project I've recently started (I had 3 (!!) finishes last post so am allowed to start something new LOL) —
This is Block One of Lynette Anderson's newest Button Club which I am doing through my LQS, The Country Yard. It's called Anderson's Farm aka Barge's Farm! The heart needs stitchery on it, that will happen at some stage. |
And the button is tacked on for now - I can never resist adding them even though they have to be removed for quilting. |
Speaking of finishes and secrets, I can now share yet another very late Christmas present that winged itself across the ocean to a
dear friend.
I made another knitting bag last Christmas
for my SIL; this one's slightly different. One of these days I'll make one for myself :-)
(The fabric is a NZ botanical/floral print - very pretty).
The back. |
Isn't it nice when you have moments of brilliance? This happened to me a while ago when I was having a bit of a tidy up. I was throwing a woven storage cube out, it was quite squashed (one cat shall remain nameless) but I noticed the push-in base was still intact... it was an
aha moment as I realised I could use it as a mini design board. I first saw these *
here* on Lori Holt's Bee In My Bonnet blog.
One scrap of batting and a glue stick later and voila! I had my own upcycled design board.
And then a day or so later, I realised I could do the same with the lid of a cardboard storage box. Once again I attacked the back of the batting with glue and pressed it to the inside of the lid and there was a little design board for the current block of that project. (You may recognise the Hen and Chicks block from the Anderson's Farm aka Barge's Farm Button Club, shown above.)
Since I took this photo I've trimmed the batting a little as it was too close to the edges. |
Very handy! I'm linking up with
Sew and Sow Farm's Sew Simple Saturday Link-up Party. Thank you Jan, this link up is a great idea, another chance to be inspired in blogland!
I see some bottling and fruit gluttony in my week ahead (it's not easy to resist a freshly picked apple - peach-pear or grape is it?!)(straight from the tree is the only way to go for me!).
And a little more secret sewing :-)
I hope March is putting a bounce in your step,
'till next time,
Happy sewing,