My quilting thoughts and inspirations sprinkled with a glimpse of life down on the farm

Sunday, October 8, 2023

October Friday Night with Friends

For the first time in ages I was able to join in with Friday Night with Friends, hosted by the lovely but absent Cheryll.
I haven't been getting up to much with my evening stitching lately so am currently working on my Life Is Beautiful stitcheries (by HugsnKisses). These have been in the pipeline for a Very Long Time, and just get pulled out from time to time when I have nothing else planned.
Friday night saw the continuation of this block —
Recently I completed the applique for the next block —
Those hearts were really fiddly so I am pleased there were only four of them!

Saturday started off as a lovely day so I got a little bit of weeding done in the vege garden. Yes that is a very full wheelbarrow of weeds. Self seeded potatoes and comfrey already growing healthily. I'm going to transplant the smaller comfrey plants into another area...apparently the plant is really good for soil health and mining minerals so it can get to work elsewhere!
While I was gardening, I had my Christmas cake baking! 
"Wow" you must be saying - "imagine getting your cake made so early!!" The truth of the matter is that I have been meaning to make it since JULY when I found TWO nests of eggs between some bales of hay. 
Mum and I brainstormed ways to use so many eggs (they all passed the float test). Aside from everyday baking, we thought a good batch of Christmas cakes would also use a fair few.
The eggs have stored well in the fridge but I really do hope to make a couple more Christmas cakes to use the last of them. 

After lunch I pulled out my The Country Yard challenge quilt...I now have less than a week to get this finished so the pressure is on!!
I joined some batting pieces —
(I do like using this batting-joining tape!)
and got pinning —
I don't believe I have showed you this block yet. The challenge theme was "What's behind the shop door?" I finally decided on some fabric and a sleeping pussycat (stretching the truth a bit there!). A fun one to sew.
If you'd like to do a little bloghopping and see what other bloggers got up to on Friday night, visit Cheryll's blog *here*.
In the meantime, I have got a quilt to finish basting - and quilt!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. wonderful find of eggs! that must have been very pleasing and get Xmas cakes baked now will save time later

  2. what gorgeous blocks. Love your life is beautiful blocks too, they look great in blue thread. I made one quite a few years ago and it was lovely to work on. I went with browns unfortunately.

  3. Well you have have very busy. Stitching and baking. I have my Christmas cakes made and in the freezer too. Sew glad the eggs were still fresh, I miss having chickens.
    In Stitches Annette

  4. Great to start work on a long awaited project.
    WOW! What a huge stash of eggs and so good you can use them to make your Christmas cake.Using the tape to join batting look easier than zigzagging pieces together like I do.
    Look forward to seeing all the hearts together.

    Maria lifeontheblock

  5. My goodness! All those eggs! You are lucky they have kept well. I do like to get my cake made early - more time for feeding.
    Comfry leaves are a brilliant activator for your compost heap or you can soak them in water to make a plant feed. I just love the flowers - and so do the bees.
    Good luck with getting that quilt finished. xx

  6. Your Christmas cake looks so delicious!

  7. I think I can smell that Christmas cake all the way down here!!! Nice stitcheries you are working on--and what a pretty heart quilt you are doing--love the blocks I see--and the last one--books and cats--how awesome--
    hugs, di

  8. What do you use Comfrey for? Your quilt looks very intersting, I hate basting

  9. Lots of lovely things going on here today Raewyn. Is that a cottage garden thread in your first photo? It looks like one. The christmas cake looks so delicious - that is great that all those eggs passed the float test! I did not know there was such a thing as batting joining tape - how wonderful. Loving the blocks you are working on. 💗 xx

  10. That was a big clutch of eggs to find!! I love those little Life is Beautiful stitcheries ... and your challenge quilt is looking great.....

  11. Love that cat block! Such wonderful things always show up on your blog. What a lot of eggs to find and still have be good. The cake looks yummy!

  12. Lovely stitchery! And I am pretty sure I wouldn't have even attempted 4 of those hearts. :)
    The soil in your garden looks very rich and healthy. Must have had loads of comfrey in it.
    What goes into your Christmas cake besides lots of eggs?
    Have never tried the batting joining tape, but it looks like a really good idea.
    Very cute block!

  13. That is a great egg find! Christmas cake already? I have been thinking about a Tourtiere for my daughter-in-law so it is not too early for holiday thoughts. She's a veggie so this one is made from mushrooms and beets instead of meat. Happy stitching, your projects look lovely.

  14. Wow! I know eggs keep longer than most people think, but really? All that time?
    Lovely stitching and what a cute quilt.

  15. Great way to use all those eggs! Great to have your cake done early. Lovely blocks Raewyn and your cat in the quilt shop is very cute. I hope the comfrey does good things in the rest of the garden for you.

  16. Good luck with the Christmas cakes. Lots of work but well worth it. It is hard to thin of ways to use up lots of eggs.
    Lovely to see your stitching projects on the go.
    The garden is looking great!

  17. A great idea to use up all those eggs.


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