Progress has been made on my Smidgeon Quilt. Rows were joined —
And borders added —I waited for a fine day for the photo but still had to fight with the breeze. I didn't dare wait until the sun had moved across the sky to avoid the dappling in case it was cloudy, or raining, by then!
I'm really pleased with it. It will fit the Queen sized bed in the spare room ("Granny's Room"). It used a lot of small scraps but as you can see it also used a fair bit of yardage. So a sort of scrappy quilt but not totally! The pattern is Smidgeon by Jessican Dayon.In other news, I started a pullover/vest for Odie to knit while in Australia but didn't do much and didn't finish it until I was at Mum's last weekend.
And I went through my downstairs (non-quilty) stash and found enough polar fleece to make this, also for Odie.They both look huge but fit ok. This is the child who will wake up having grown nearly an inch overnight.
Here he is giving the sweatshirt its first wearing —
Big but quite wearable —Always running and on the move —
It's that time of the year when winter sports rule Saturdays for many families. Five of our grandies and three of our adults are all playing various sports (Rugby, football and hockey).
On Saturday our local club, Mangakahia Rugby Club, had a home day so it wasn't far to travel to watch. This was the first chance I've had to watch the kids play. Luckily the three x four year olds are in the same team, playing Rippa Rugby —
They were given club hoodies this week. Very cool —And later in the day our big boy played; against another local team. That was a good game to watch. I must confess to not enjoying watching him play in the past. As a very strong and effective player he was always targeted by the other team. But he does hold his own very well and I think I have got over my fear of him being harmed!

And just to go overkill on the photos, the other night I moved the cows as the MOML had an appointment in town. We're getting to the end of the farm season now. The cows are now milked once a day, in the mornings, but in the afternoons they get a fresh paddock and some silage.
It had been a nice day and they were pretty content and just looked at me when I got to the paddock —
Finally Emma dog and I managed to get them moving —Even more content now —
Emma resting on her laurels after a successful bit of stockwork!!'til next time,
happy stitches,