
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Goals - A monthly one at least - and ramblings

Early last year I made lists and plans, joining up with Gail and Cheryll in doing some planning for 2020. It had been a couple of years since I'd done any official planning and I hoped that it would help me to achieve a little more quiltyness. Gail was running PHD in 2020; where we finish UFOs and complete anything we start in 2020. (My list *here*.) Cheryll and her WOOFA challenge encouraged us to work and make progress on a list of projects (My list *here*.). I started both of these with a bit of a hiss and a roar but as the year progressed, I just didn't seem to get to them, nor the monthly link ups. On the whole, my quilty sewing dropped off as other things got in the way. I had made great lists though and I did look at them regularly, and that was really useful in helping me to focus and less likely to start something new. So I didn't start as many projects as I was tempted to, they went on my 'one day' list. For some I bought the patterns or fabric so they are on the 'committed to starting one day list'!

This rather lengthy intro leads me to what I am going to do this year. I'm keeping with those lists. I'm committing to focusing on those projects already out and sorted. I'll probably start some new things but will try not to get too carried away. My December (One Block A Day) challenge shows I can do things if I put my mind to it, so I'll try to capture that energy again!
Last year I got the top of young Odie's Lorax quilt completed. And it even got pin basted. Although I've missed the deadline to sign up to Elm Street Quilt's One Monthly Goal link-up I'm setting this goal anyway.
As Odie turns one near the beginning of February, I think finishing his quilt will be an ideal aim for the month.  I have cleared away some Christmas things (paper and other shambles!) and can now get to my Sweet 16 so that's a start.

The MOML and I just had a couple of nights away, our SIL kindly milking for us and looking after the stock. We went further up north to a little place called Mangonui. We've been there before and like the small town feel with just enough eateries and places of interest and close enough to other attractions to keep us occupied. With kiwis not able to holiday outside NZ, Mangonui was packed to the rafters and we were very lucky to get somewhere to stay.
Mangonui doesn't have swimming beaches, it was once a whaling station and is more well known as a fishing settlement. There are a lot of bays with swimming beaches nearby which everyone was flocking to.

Where we stayed, a remodelled 1861 building. Very nice —

The MOML enjoying an ice cream on a very hot summer's day —

This weekend two of our families are off camping and we are dog minding. It feels like a real circus around here.
Big ones —

(I took the boys plus our dog Emma up the back hill for a good run to wear them out.) We've had a little summer rain this last week and the farm is looking a little greener than it was —
Small ones (took him out for a run as well; he had fun chasing pinecones) —
To add to the complications this guy has sore teeth and is having trouble eating. He's on medication and his teeth will be 'seen to' when his mouth clears up a bit, hopefully in a couple of weeks —
Plus Katems (aka Katie Cat) has come home. Some time in 2012 she moved out of the house down to the old pig sty to live. She's been quite happy down there, initially with Jingle who had also moved out (and passed away 2 years ago) and getting fed twice daily when the chooks are fed. She came inside once about 4 years ago and was quite happy until she saw Timmie cat. They hissed at each other and she took off again. Timmie is no longer with us and so far she has been here for two nights. We'd dearly like her to stay at the house so we're doing the best we can to keep her feeling safe (and away from all the dog visitors)! She's coming up for 18 years old, by the way.
Back to being fully domesticated —
As you can tell from the non sewing photos, there's been little sewing around here but,
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. that looks like a wonderful place to stay- the water so pretty. You will be done with your quilting before you know it

  2. Lovely that you had some time away. I know it is not a lot but make the most of it. What a lovely location to spend your time.
    I can imagine how crazy it must be with all the dogs in one place. Hope you manged to tire them out.
    And lovely to see your cat coming back inside. At 18 that is well deserved.
    Good luck finishing the Lorax quilt.

  3. Your couple of days away sound delightful. Your accommodation looks very interesting. Good on you for once again making plans. I’m a bit like you, keep working on the existing list. We’ll get through them eventually. It would be lovely if your kitty stayed home so she can be pampered.

  4. Looks like a beautiful peaceful spot for your few days away before the chaos of looking after all the dogs big, small and unwell. Katie Kat looks comfy so hope she stays in .
    Good to have a list and good luck working on it....

  5. I do believe that your goal for January is a really cute one--and you should be smiling every time you pick it up to stitch on it as it's such a 'happy' quilt!
    your mini vacation was in a beautiful spot--did you have a quilt shop to visit while there??
    and pets are all concerning and fun to be around at the same time--
    luv, and hugs, di

  6. So glad you had a lovely getaway. You’re back and refreshed to tackle all of that quilting now! Your life looks pretty crazy with all those dogs. I’m trying to imagine feeding time. I hope the kitty decides this is best.

  7. You have quite the pet resort there..... I must say I like lists of projects to do ... even if they don't all get done...


  8. Lovely post Raewyn, great to see you had a break away, well done SIL. Looking forward to seeing the Lorax quilt quilted. I bet the dogs have a great time at your place, hope they were exhausted after their big run. I hope Katums stays with you.

  9. Lovely get away. Some times just being away helps recharge. Wow that is a lot of pups. Sounds like a good plan to stay focused. My barn kitties, the girl I feed a wet food almost daily, she is so tiny and dainty. The boy he hangs with the chooks and eats he is a huge fatty right now (hope it is just winter weight). She won't go into a house. He just traipses right in and acts if he owns the place. Worst feral/barn kitty every. The problem is he has no manners and is a complete thug. So he isn't welcome into my house. He will wander over to the daughters house and infiltrate but the kittens tell on him when he does.

  10. Little sewing, but some planning! I'm glad you had a chance at a getaway. Marriages need that now and then. =)

  11. I love that Lorax quilt!
    Wow--looks like such a lovely place to get away.
    You always have a full house, it seems. Either the grands or their pets--or yours. :)

  12. Oh my, Mangonui looks like a lovely place. So happy that you were able to get away. I have every faith that you will meet all your 2021 goals and I will enjoy watching you!

  13. looks like its very busy at your house. Love the holiday spot. I think i will have to set some goals this year to get through my lot.

  14. The countryside is breathtaking, and that quaint little place where you stayed is so cute. Your trip looks refreshing.


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