
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

December block tally and the New Year

In December I challenged myself to sew a block a day and blog about it. I'd had a very slow couple of sewing months due to life 'down on the farm' and I wanted to kickstart my quilting.
Unbelievably, I met my challenge...... not only did I sew a block a day, some days I managed two or more.
My tally for the month was 64 blocks!!
Initially I was wanting to sew a variety of blocks for a variety of projects but as time got tighter it was easier to fall back on those where I already had the fabrics and pattern out and just sew up one of those.
Five blocks became this —
Two blocks became these —
Foxley Village progressed —
My Scrappy Sprouts project progressed —
I started a new project —
And here are most of the other blocks —
This time last year I signed up to Prairie Moon's  350 block challenge (found *here*). We keep track of the number of blocks we make, which is motivating when the finishes aren't falling over themselves to be counted! My final total was 272 blocks - nowhere near the target but nothing to be sneezed at either.

Since 2021 has begun I've spent little time in The Palace. I met up with my sister at the mid-way point between our homes, and 'handed Mum over'. She had two weeks visiting and it was lovely to spend the time with her. We met at our nieces' new place - they've just bought an apartment together so we were able to inspect that.
And we've had two small children here for an overnighter so their parents could have some time out.
We took them out the back and they had a good run around while the MOML shifted some stock.
Wide open spaces —

Picking flowers and seedheads —
A sign that there were small children in the house. The bunnies had been put to bed —

After they had gone I had some quiet time to myself (much needed!) and sewed up another block for my Scrappy Christmas project —
I have a vague idea where this project is heading but haven't done any maths yet - I'm just enjoying the piecing at this stage.

2021 has got off to a busy start for us. In exchange for the child-minding, our son-in-law is going to milk for us for a couple of days so we are heading up north today. We're looking forward to relaxing a bit :-)

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. have a good time away - you got a lot done!

  2. Well done with the blocks, you have done a great job, day after day, and such fun to read the daily updates. Enjoy your few days away.

  3. Well done! And it is always nice to get a few days off from the farm.

  4. You had a very productive December, I'd say. Loving the Christmas bulbs.
    And the photos of the wee ones running free--what bliss. :)
    The bunnies in bed made me smile, too.

  5. You are a busy little 'bee'--and having fun while doing it--family time is always great--and yes I am waiting too to see where you Christmas ornament blocks are going--there was also some other great blocks made last month--
    enjoy your time off--
    luv and hugs, di
    oh--I just got your lovely Christmas card in the mail--thanks!

  6. I think 272 blocks for the year is a wonderful achievement! Lovely to see all the different blocks you completed in December.
    Sometimes we all need to slow down after the Christmas rush. I hope some more sewing time comes soon, although with little ones around it is tricky. They are so much fun you are prepared to give up everything else.

  7. Congratulations on making so many blocks, and I hope you have a well deserved break away from those cows, I know what a full time every day job it really is!

  8. You really did accomplish a lot of sewing...and blogging. Well done. Enjoy your time away!

  9. An impressive amount accomplished here Raewyn! Enjoy your little break away, looks like great weather!

  10. Great haul of projects Raewyn. Where did you end up going... today has been a scorcher!

  11. Well done at reaching your black a day goal for December and even doubling it....
    Also for doing at least of the yearly tally.
    Nice to have handed Mum over after her lovely visit with you and family..
    Have a fabulous break away , great swap babysitting for a nice break away. Enjoy.

  12. Well done on meeting your challenge - sorry I didnt have time to comment every day! But some great blocks made there. Happy New Year. xx

  13. Enjoy your time away and you did a great job with all the blocks made

  14. What an amazing accomplishment! Hope 2021 will be filled with lots of fun quilty projects!

  15. Such an enjoyable post to read Raewyn! I love seeing ALL those blocks and that several have grown up into useable items. The bunnies, aww, and the grand babies in the pasture, awww again! Glad you are getting away a bit. :-) I've really liked your Christmas blocks, and am itching to maybe add yet another thing to my ongoing projects this year.... hmmm!

  16. You have been busy...well done on completing your challenge, all lovely as usual. Enjoy your break away.

  17. very well done with all those blocks... a great effort. sweet to have the visitors.... full on I know... Have a restful time away....

  18. That’s a fantastic result for the year. Enjoy your time away after the busy season.

  19. Have a wonderful time away and relax and enjoy!
    You have done so well with your blocks, making and blogging every day plus normal life is a big ask!! Lovely for the little ones to have all that space!

  20. Ahhhhhh.... wide open spaces and warm sunshine!!! We are in the cold & grey season here in the states and I so VERY much appreciate seeing your pictures of the wonderful green outdoors! :-) Congrats on one block a day! Happiness!

  21. Raewyn - 64 blocks!!! Congratulations. And such sweet fabrics. I loved the shots of the kids in the field - precious! I am glad that you are getting break from the milking - you deserve a few days off! Happy New Year!

  22. I only had 221 blocks in 2020, but it was way better than zero! You at least beat me. =) Your projects all look great, but I especially loved seeing the littles running around in all that open space!

  23. You had a great month.
    I hope January is just as good.

  24. you did great and got heaps done.....

  25. A block a day? That is a stiff goal for myself. YOur blocks are all so pretty though! Will you do it again next year?


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