
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Blocks and more blocks

I've got back into my evening routine of hand stitching over the last week or so and have completed another block for my Wings and Pretty Things quilt.
It was a bit of a fluke but look at the gorgeous markings for the bird's face - where the eye goes is just perfect for how the print on fabric worked out!!

And I had a great sew-day yesterday and completed some more blocks for my scrappy Christmas quilt.
Most of the blocks are red or green but I am going to hunt out a few different Christmas colours to add a bit more excitement. (Which may mean cutting into fabrics which aren't exactly 'scraps'. Sigh. Oh well!)
Here are this week's efforts together —
Now, I had intended this to be a long term leader-ender project but it's not working out this way. I'm hooked on them but also impatient to get the Christmas fabric box put away to clear a small piece of floor in The Palace. So I'm playing with the layout. I think I'll form columns similar to below. I'll stagger them so they're not all lined up perfectly. I've also been making some of the hangers different lengths so some blocks are shorter and some taller, to once again stagger them across the width.
And I'm going to include the tree within the quilt as I don't know what else to do with it and it will add to the whimsy.

Two more Omigosh! blocks joined the ranks this week —
This one started as I had a couple of spare HST after one of the ornament blocks —
The churn dash and nine-patch get alternated like this within the quilt.

On the home front, Katems is still at the house. It is as if she's never been away, down at the shed, all these years. Only drawback is, she's taken over my office/sewing chair. I'm currently having to make do with an old one which the back has come off. Hmm.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. You’ve certainly been busy this month. At this rate you will have another 31 blocks completed. So nice that Karen’s is still with you.

  2. Your applique block is lovely It looks so pretty.
    And the Christmas decoration blocks are a delight! They are going to be wonderful together.
    I like the way the OMG blocks will run together. Lovely combinations.

  3. You are making great progress with the blocks for the Christmas quilt. You should have the flimsy finished long before Christmas 2021. Happy stitching!

  4. the blocks are all looking so well and a lot of progress is made. cute kitty!


  5. Well aren't you just the 'speedy' stitcher these days!!!!
    All are looking good and they do look addicting!
    I think it's funny how we 'let' our pets just move us over --
    But I am glad she is happy to inside now and being spoiled by you!!!
    hugs, di

  6. Mygoodness, you have been busy! Of course the cat has to have the best chair for a while, doesn't she look nice and settled.

  7. Lovely blocks and fabric, you have been busy , cute kitty keeping you company.

  8. lovely fresh wings block . I Love your little Christmas baubles... what size scraps do you need??? I'm sure I can find a few and it would be a pleasure. I just love what you do with tiny little pieces... such patience...

  9. Your little bird is very cute! Well done on the eye placement 😄
    Your Christmas decoration blocks are coming along really well, I like the arrangement you are planning. Nice to see Katems is still with you even if she has the best chair!!

  10. I recognize some of that fabric, it may actually be in my stash. The bird turned out adorable. Girl cat came into the house the other day. She explored a bit then I put her back outside after about 1/2 an hour to eat.

  11. That fabric placement for the bird is spot on! Your ornaments are coming along so well too. Our pets do seem to run the show, don’t they?

  12. That is really fun the way the bird's eye placement landed on the heart shaped flower petal.
    Look at you go on the ornament blocks! That will be a very happy holiday quilt.
    Well, I'm sure you knew if the cat came in it would take over something. Would a little catnip convince her to swap chairs with you?

  13. Its always good to have plenty of variety! I love how your bird block is looking and look forward to seeing more of this as it evolves.

  14. Birdie looks so lovely....perfect fabric choice. Love love love your Christmas baubles! A furry quality control officer is always nice lol!

  15. Wow! You certainly have achieved a lot this month. I love your Birds and Pretty things block, it certainly lives up to its name.

  16. Raewyn - your little birdie is adorable - I love when serendipity strikes! And as always, you blow me away with what you are able to accomplish with all you have on your plate ... And I laughed out loud at Katems on your chair - cats always seem to know how to be in just the "wrong" spot!

  17. Lots of gorgeous sewing happening in your house. Love that cute little bird. Nice to have a seat warmer.

  18. Wow that is such a lot of stitching! The bird looks amazing, and your seat warmer looks gorgeous!

  19. Lots of great blocks...... The bird looks great and the eye could not be a more perfect placement

  20. Ok Raewyn, how many Omigosh blocks have you made? Are you just getting started or quite a ways through? What are your goals? I am curious because I need someone to push me along, but mine isn't very far.

  21. I forgot to mention how much I adore the Christmas tree bulbs with stars on them. Since I am making a Christmas quilt, it might need to have some of those in it as well - ha ha.


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