After my few weeks of non-crafting I feel like I am almost getting back to 'normal' with a few little projects showing a bit of progress.
Love Me Love My Cat received its borders - |
- and a good press - |
- basting - |
- and now the quilting has started :-) |
My evenings were a bit slow until I got back into my groove - so I carried on with my (mindless) crochet - using all the scraps of DK wool that I have floating around.
I know it's bordering on being a little gaudy but I decided that this is the look I
was going will be a blanket of Ganma's that the grandies won't forget :-) |
But before long I rediscovered my stitching ...
And before you get too excited and think that I must be nearly done, I'm not. I'm stitching them all out of order. I think I'm a little over half way there.
'Z' is in the hoop at the moment.
♥ that wee mouse! |
This week I am linking up to
SuperMomNoCape - every week there is a link up to share our embroidery projects and usually there is a lovely (free) vintage pattern to download and stitch as well. To celebrate 25 weeks of link ups there is a fabulous giveaway this week, feel free to visit (*
here*) and join in too :-)
The weekend was a fabulous affair, with the sun shining and the forecast rain keeping away; a lovely hint of spring, which surely is getting closer and closer.
[If you are a long time reader of this blog you may recognise some of the scenes in the following pictures..... as I'm sure I posted similar ones last year, and maybe the year before that and quite likely even the year before that.... so you will be excused for switching off now :-) ]
Now is the time when the bush at the back of the farm comes alive with splashes of gold. And I always love to make the trek out there and just soak up the loveliness.
The Kowhai trees did not disappoint again this year. They are big old tall trees and I love to look down and see them towering above and within the other old trees.... mostly Totara in this area.
(Click on the photos to get a better look).
In the past the MOML has come out with me, but last year he got a bit naggy, telling me he was slowly dying of boredom as I walked in wonderment amongst the trees. This year I left him behind. I left the quadbike at the top of the hill (he's brave enough to drive down but I'm not!) and even while walking down I could hear heaps of Tui, Kereru and other birds feeding off the nectar. Sadly the birds were too high up to photograph; even when I thought there was one I could snap, the camera didn't like being pointed up at the sky!
It was a lovely, magical way to spend an afternoon. The area is all fenced off now (we've put in quite a few kms of fences since we've been here) so we are hopeful that some young trees will start growing in the near future.
This week I think I'll be able to grab a bit more sewing time, my social calendar isn't as full, although the MOML has just informed me that tomorrow may be a good day for de-horning the next mob of calves :-)
Hope your week is happy, thank you for visiting,
happy creating,