
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy Dance!

Woohoo, today is the last day of the month - of the year - of the decade - but right now I am most concerned about it being the last day of the month because it's a chance for me to celebrate that I have managed to blog every day for 31 days!!
I took up Cheryl's challenge, starting on Dec 1st. 61 other bloggers signed up too - it will be interesting to see how many of us managed a post a day? The idea was that if we could manage to blog once a day through this busy time of the year, we could manage anything!

So how did it go?

The month started easily enough, sharing gifts to and from my visit to America
I had fun on the farm with my elf —
I did a bit of reminiscing, looking at quilts I'd made in the past. Like this one
and this
I had a good little wander through Mum's house - that gave me two posts, which was good as I was away from home and all my usual inspiration.
I was able to interview Mum and get a little more information about Caroline —
My current projects made a showing, The Sopwell Ladies (and I even managed a small tutorial based on questions I'd been asked) —
And my current pattern testing for Juliet of Tartankiwi —
And had a look through the other projects I've done based on her designs —
We had Christmas —
And I sewed along with the Temecula Quilt Company, making their Tiny Tree
When I was lost for words I had photos of the family to share —
Or the farm —

On the whole it was fun - I enjoyed the process but it would be fair to say I'm happy that the month is over!

One of the big pros was hearing from so many of you so often - thank you for your encouragement!
One of the big cons is that I didn't have time to reciprocate the visits!
And I'm hoping that now that my time isn't being taken up with planning blog posts, I'll be able to catch up properly with my blog reading!

And on that happy note, I'm going to sign off for the last time this month, this year, this decade.
I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I hope 2020 is a fabulously creative and productive year!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. A peaceful happy healthy New year to you and yours x

  2. I had fun following you this past month to see if you could do it - I was cheering for you the whole month!

  3. Wishing you and your family all the very best for 2020.
    It's been fun to read all of your doings through 2019, especially in the last month with daily posts, they must have been challenging some days.

  4. Amazing! I've popped over each day, curious to see how you were going! Enjoy a little writing break, see you back next year!

  5. Great job! You did really well. It is nice to write and read blogs at your own whim....but I did enjoy all your posts. Happy New Year xx

  6. I am very impressed that you managed to blog every day for 31 days. Happy New Year Raewyn.

  7. Was great to read many of your posts over the past 31 days, well done.
    A Happy Healthy 2020 to your family and you...

  8. Congratulations on sticking with the challenge - I think you did a marvelous job. Happy New Year and enjoy posting on a more casual basis (every day is H-A-R-D).

  9. Congratulations Raewyn! I am sorry that I was not able to keep up with all your posts - it is a busy time of the year! But I am so pleased that you were able to get a post out every day. Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Peaceful 2020. xx

  10. Congratulations on meeting the challenge Raewyn, I have enjoyed reading your posts very much . Best wishes for the coming year.

  11. What a month you had! Good job completing the challenge!
    I obviously missed some of your posts, but enjoyed the ones I caught. I don't think I could blog daily. I am struggling to get one or two posts a month. But your life is much more interesting than mine currently is, so it is fun to see what you are up to! :)

  12. Congratulations on meeting your challenge!!!! I have enjoyed following along. Happy new year!!!

  13. Happy New Year to you Raewyn to you and your family. Many congratulations on meeting the blogging challenge, not an easy feat at this busy time of year. Give yourself permission to take a couple of days off and put your feet up for a while!

  14. Happy New Year, Raewyn!! I am so glad I found your blog and congratulations on making your goal of 31/31!! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create in 2020, as well as enjoying pictures of your family and farm.

  15. Woo hoo! You did it! Now you can achieve anything. I enjoyed reading along. Have a very Happy New Year.

  16. Congrats! It was fun following along! Wishing you the best of everything in the New Year!

  17. Yeah! You did it---31 days of posting. I think I missed three. It was a fun challenge to participate in and I hope that I can continue posting, but maybe not everyday. Have a wonderful New Year and keep those posts coming.

  18. well done..... it was a busy time too..... it shows there are lots in our lives to share about...

  19. Congratulations on achieving your goal. You did it well and kept every post interesting.
    Happy New Year.

  20. Well done, love reading your blog, I don't often comment....just lurk....
    Happy New Year

  21. What fun! You did a great job this month. I didn't comment on a lot of posts, and missed a few, but I did enjoy reading every one!

  22. Congratulations on meeting your target Raewyn!! Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  23. Sometimes it is worthwhile to slow down and take a look at all that we have accomplished. A post a day is a HUGE challenge and you are on top of it. Congratulations. I love the picture of super-bright shawls on the red fence against a verdant green background. May you continue to meet your goals in the new year. Wishing you lots of joy, peace and creativity in 2020!!!

  24. Happy New Year, Raewyn! A post a day! I apologize for not keeping up! I loved your recap, and look forward to randomly visiting your posts as time allows.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate them all and try my best to reply. Have a great day!!
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