
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

UFO Blog Hop

Oh dear, I'm late, I'm late....and I'm not finished!

When Joan of MooseStashQuilting put out the word that she was hosting a UFO Blog Hop this week, I thought it would be a brilliant chance to work on one of my UFOs.
It also coincided with me deciding to do "Block-a-day-July". A personal challenge to make at least one block every day and also do a blogpost every day.
I decided on Memory Lane, which was a BOM run through my lovely local quilt shop last year. It combined stitcheries and piecing. I had chosen to do the version that used Tilda fabrics.
The fun thing about this BOM was that it comprised some of the shop's favourite stitchery designs from projects that had been done over the years. So a real trip down Memory Lane.
I impressed myself by getting all the stitcheries done —
— but stalled rather spectacularly after that.
Oh I tell a lie, I did piece Block One approximately a year ago —

My thoughts were to gradually work on it throughout my Block-a-day-July challenge, and get to the 27th with a completed top.
And there the story twists. I decided it would be fun to go rogue and adapt the pattern so that I had a completely unique quilt.
There was a lot of trial and error. I used the blocks that were used in the original quilt, but made up my own arrangement.
Some of the blocks pieced over the month —

Here is a photo I took the other day —
Since then I have put a grey-spot border around this centre and I am up to piecing the final border, using leftover stitcheries and the rest of my fabric.

It was double fun to combine my Block-a-day-July with working on this UFO for the bloghop. Of course it may have been finished if I hadn't got distracted with a Churndash SAL.....
...isn't that often how UFOs come about....??!!

Here are the other participants for Day 3 of the blog hop—
stitchingfarmgirl (that's me, you're here!)

Take a moment to visit them and see what they have got up to with their UFOs.
The complete list of participants is *here*.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Your work is looking very good. Yes, it is easy to get distracted on a new SAL isn't it?

  2. I think going rogue is a great way to go. Your combination and layout looks great. Love the result.

  3. well look at how much progress you have made on both quilts.......looking great........

  4. It takes more time to make our quilts 'unique' than we imagine. Your quilt is looking so pretty though, just keep on until it's finished. Happy stitching!

  5. You did a great job on your UFO. That was a lot of work and now you have it behind you. I have decided to spend this whole year on UFOs only! It is moving slow but I have kept to my plan. Love your churn dashes too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Well, it may not be complete, but at least you found time to work on your UFO and make some progress.
    As well as making some Churn Dash blocks.

  7. Your altered Memory Lane looks great. You have really made it yours.

  8. that is a cute quilt with the bits of embroidery in it

  9. Your stitchery is wonderful and the "rogue" quilt turned out beautifully!

  10. Beautiful stitchery. I'm in love with the border you added too. What a perfect way to finish it off.

  11. Beautiful stitcheries. I love incorporating stichery into quilts. Great work!

  12. I love the combination of embroidery and blocks in your beautiful quilt. Your stitches are amazing!

  13. Your embroidery paired with piecing looks great! It'll be fantastic when you finish it! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I love the quote at the top of your project! Now if we could just stop getting distracted by other stitching!

  15. Raewyn, you have made wonderful progress toward your goals. And really, who can resist a churn dash? Thank you for joining us in this fun hop, and sharing your sweet projects with us

  16. Your top is looking lovely. xx

  17. You crack me up! I had to laugh reading your blog and recognizing the creative juices we all get flowing. Your embroidery is very well stitched. And the quilt top turned out so well. I hope you enjoyed the process of altering your blocks and creating your own design. The title at the top says it all. But then you got into another project: what fun. I can't wait to see what you make of the churn dashes. Keep on stitching!

  18. Distraction is my middle name, lol. Your quilt top is amazing with all the stitched blocks. Great job!

  19. Getting a UFO closer to the finish line is good...especially when there are so many squirrels in our lives!!

  20. Hi Raewyn! Oh, those churn dash blocks. I can see why they were a distraction. The embroidery pieces look great - I love combining that with quilting. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  21. My husband says that I'm distracted by anything shiny which I don't have a problem with.. Your quilt is lovely and your Churn Dashes look great too

  22. Good progress with your UFOs. Lovely stitcheries and Churn Dash blocks.

  23. LOL - yes that darn churn dash thing...


    Love the colours in your other project - looks lovely

  24. You are going well with your project Raewyn - I am with Susan - mm yes that Churn Dash thing!!!

  25. RaeLyn you do have some beautiful pieces in the works. Your Memory Lane is gorgeous and will be beautiful when you get it off your UFO list. 😉

  26. What a perfect blog hop idea. I will have to check out the other posts.
    YOur embroidery work is always lovely.


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