
Friday, July 29, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 28

In spite of my best efforts I just completed one block —
Yes one more trusty churndash. You can see it's nestled in a pile of body parts so with a bit of luck I may have an enormous pile to share next time I post!!

My calfshed is gradually filling up - I have 27 calves in there now. They're all doing very nicely.
In spite of us saying we don't "sleep with our cows" we're having to with these ones below. We've brought a bunch back to a paddock close to the shed to keep a close eye on as we've discovered that one of the bulls we used when mating throws calves that are quite big. Consequently we're having to help more than we'd like to calve. 
A bit upsetting as we always ask for easy-calve bulls but that didn't happen this time.
They're all doing ok though!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. It seems amazing that your month is nearly over already. Looks like things are starting to get pretty busy in the barn.

  2. One less churn dash to make so all good progress....... Get some more calves... Hate it when you have a run of bad calving...... Goodluck

  3. seems like my niece is constantly having to help her goats and sheep give birth - the cows not so much. A block a day sounds good considering how busy you have been with the farm

  4. One block is better than none! How long do you keep your calves indoors? xx

  5. you are keeping very busy with your calves. For us who don't farm they are very cute

  6. So many calves -- you are one busy lady!

  7. I am surprised you can still fit in one block when there is so much going on.
    Good luck with that special group of cows.

  8. Lovely churn dash block, the calf numbers are rising! I hope the cows are all able to calve ok.


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