
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 29

The beady eyed amongst you will notice that some of my block-a-day-posts have been written first thing in the morning, whilst having my first coffee and before the day gets busy (I'm an early bird, not a night owl). 
The beady-eyed amongst you will notice that this morning's yesterday-post is even later!!!
I did make my block yesterday, as planned, but once it was finished there were cows and calves to tend and I ran out of daylight. Not normally a problem as a lot of my block photos have been taken 'afterhours'.
This one, though, demanded that I take a properly lit photo. So it had to wait until after this morning's chores for that!
I completed the partially sewn 'block' for the top of Memory Lane, which I blogged about *here*. Strictly speaking it's not a block and I could be claiming for about 4!
I just have the three corresponding sides of this quilt to do - they'll be similar but with different sized and shaped stitcheries.

The morning chores included feeding these critters first thing —
At the moment the MOML is helping with these in the morning as we're not yet milking then. Another couple of days and we will start the twice-a-day milking regime, and will be nearly ready to send milk to the factory.
In the meantime I appreciate his help with feeding the calves; they're about the last ones he'll feed for the season!
After breakfast we tended to these cows —
and these —

and these (plus opened the doors for sunbathing calves!)—
Just as I thought the coast was clear and I could whip inside to photograph and blog, we had some small visitors. They came out to stock up on firewood, but also ended up having a nice little play and a visit with the calves —

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. working a farm has got to be so tiring but yet something you love doing, working the land and animals can be so fulfilling I'm sure

  2. they are so lucky to see those little calves and have a play with them

  3. People are being very observant........goodluck on getting it all done.......

  4. Fantastic misty morning sunrise shot! Love your 'block' xx

  5. Such a busy time for you. And even busier soon with the milking starting.

  6. I imagine its hard - even one block a day - such cute visitors though

  7. Hi Raewyn, I adore that stitched block you show here. Wonderful stitching. Meanwhile, my older grandson just finished working part time all year at a dairy farm while finishing last year of high school. He enjoyed the experience a lot and learned what hard work it was. He liked the calves the best. You have a wonderful spread there.

  8. A busy time on the farm so lucky tomorrow is your last day doing a daily block and post.
    Lovely block today and cute visitors.

  9. A farmers life is never dull or quiet. It's great that the little people visited and had fun.

  10. Beautiful saying and big block. Life is getting busy for you now. Lovely to have the young ones visit.

  11. I love your farm photos and the happy smiles of the childen.


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