
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 30

In spite of the busy day, there were no dramas, and with a pile of body parts already partially assembled, it didn't take me long to whip up 8, eight, eight, YES EIGHT more churndashes!!!!!
That dark one looks black; it's actually a very deep Japanese indigo colour.

This post is dedicated to Chooky who has sent out an email telling us to keep sewing and counting our blocks for the Churndash SAL. Apparently we signed up so that we'd get nagged motivated to keep on track.
Here is my family of blocks so far. They're all 6" blocks. Except of course, one 12" block —
(Not the best photo colour-wise, but you get the idea!!)

Final day of my challenge today! Yesterday's post has snuck into today but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll squeeze the final post into today as well!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Your blocks all look good.
    That Chooky, she does like to keep us all on track. LOL

  2. A lovely group of churn dashes...


  3. Your 'family' looks great. Lots of churn dashes all over blogland. Catching up on blog reading today, and realised Ihave missed a LOT of yours, cos you have been blogging each day. All caught up now, and love all your farm news of the cows and calves.

  4. Raewyn - I have not read all your Block a Day posts, but I scanned several. Whew! What a challenge to take on! Impressed with your aspiration.

  5. Wonderful collection of churn dashes Raewyn, Chooky does have a way of keeping us on track!!

  6. Well done for keeping up with both challenges! xx

  7. I am loving the Churn Cash sew along! Yours look fantastic. What size are they?

  8. for someone who wasn't making a churn dash quilt your doing so well.....nagged annoyed pestered......motivated whatever it takes.......they look great.....keep up the great work......

  9. and I love that you put "you succumbed" to the Churn dash SAL

  10. very colorful array of churn dash blocks!


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