
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 31

It's fanfare time!! I got through the month of making at least one block a day EVERY DAY.
I mostly blogged every day too - with the exception of a few days at the start and then some days where the blogpost was next morning instead of late night.
But in my mind I did it, and all it was, was a silly challenge to myself to spur me on with my sewing and blogging.
Thanks for following along, your visits and comments - they meant a lot to me. I have big plans to catch up on my replies, answer some of your questions and reciprocate visits too!!!

As my grand finale, I was going to make a cow block. There's a rather sweet one in Lori Holts' Farm Girl Vintage 2.
Very fitting with what's been going on around here lately!
I did make a start —

Today we moved the older 10 calves down to another shed, where there's more room. The main calf shed is starting to fill up now so the move is necessary in the interests of good hygiene. Over crowded calves pick up and spread bugs too easily —
YD and her family popped out. They made us lunch, they helped with some farm work. They helped with the calves. 
It was a glorious afternoon to have those roller doors up!

Tonight I have sewn another hexie rosette —

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Well done at keeping up with your personal challenge.
    That will be a cute cow block.
    Your calf numbers are growing rapidly.
    Love for YD to have got lunch and give a helping hand too.

  2. Awesome!! piecing, blogging farmwork and family!!!!

  3. good that you were able to keep up with your personal challenge. I that spiral bound book a journal type that you keep for quilting or an actual quilt book? I had thought now and then to get one of the journals from the Fat Quarter Shop but I always wonder if I would actually use it for a couple months and then forget about it.

  4. Congratulations, the month of July is over. I'm looking forward to seeing that cow block taking shape.

  5. You did very well... especially at such a busy time...

  6. A blog a day? Great job! It will certainly take me a bit to catch up.
    I love your cow block as well as the calf photos.

  7. What nicer way to end the month than with a hexie flower! I am sure the cow will come along soon. xx

  8. Well done achieving your goal. Especially during such a busy time.

  9. Kudos to you Raewyn! It's always such a good feeling to meet the goals that we set for ourselves, large or small. Not sure that I could stick to sewing a block a day. Looks like your calves are enjoying their new digs.

  10. You did an amazing job of doing one block a day!!!! Well done!! xx

  11. Congrats on accomplishing your personal challenge.
    I hope you are still able to get that cow block made soon. Looks cute.
    Always nice to have more hands helping out.

  12. they look very did so well to keep up with the blocks and posting

  13. I’ve just had a chance to catch up on all your posts for last month. I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the blocks you have made. It definitely looks like are now part of the churn dash stitch along. I can’t believe how wet it has been. It sounds like ggdxsamd system that has hammered the east coast of Oz. I’m glad all your calves are going well and that you have an extra body giving you a hand around the farm

  14. Managing calves and keeping them healthy and clean (more or less) AND finding time to sew and quilt - you amaze me!!! Looking forward to the fabric cows :-D

  15. Raewyn - congratulations on your block-a-day and blogging accomplishment. Well done!


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