
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 9

Today's block looked quite messy for a while —
But soon improved —
I've been wanting to make this block for a while (since January in fact!) - I have a rough idea of how it will fit into a project but will just play with it all for a while and see how it works out.
The pattern was a free download from Paper Panache; I haven't checked lately if it's still available. From memory I think they do a similar one at the start of each year.

Later in the day I basted another quilt - this top was one I made for the Time in a Bottle bloghop earlier in the year which has been waiting for attention since then. It will become a floor cushion - one day!!

My walk this morning was thwarted several times. I walked down to the river intending to cross over and go up the hills in that direction. 
Hmm, there was water in my way!!
I knew the river had been up last night but was hoping it would be down below the bridge this morning. 
Never mind, I walked back up the farm and across the road to go up those hills instead.
Hmm, there were cows in my way!!
Actually they weren't in the way but, knowing cows, I knew that if I walked past them up the track they would all follow me up the hillside; and then down again on my return journey. A great way to make mud which would not have gone down well! 
So I just went home and had breakfast instead. I still managed to walk 2½kms going around in circles!
After lunch I checked the river again - it had gone down some but was still over the bridge —
So I'll try again tomorrow!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. We sure got a few drops of rain!
    LOL I remember being followed by cows many times as a youngster. They are very curious creatures and love to see what's going on.

  2. hope your river goes down tomorrow! that is high and muddy looking.

  3. What a nice neat job on that paper piecing for the year!!!
    Will be waiting to see where you use it??
    Don't you hate it when you go for a walk and find 'road blocks' everywhere!!!!
    Take care hugs, di

  4. Really classy looking numbers!
    Oh, the challenges of trying to take a walk! But smart of you not to get the cows churning up all that mud.
    Very fun to see you on Zoom today!


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