
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Block-a-day July Day 8

A quick post this morning to share the two blocks I completed last night —
Although one was nearly finished and the other had been started I quite surprised myself with finishing them both.
We did however sit up a little later than usual, binge watching something. I realised the MOML had fallen asleep on the couch so we just went straight to bed without I forgot to stoke the fire up and then turn it down for over night! 
Luckily it's a milder morning and it can take its time roaring into life. It was pretty wet yesterday so I'm off for a walk as soon as it's light to see what the river has done.
'til next time
happy stitches


  1. Lovely stitching. That owl is cute.

  2. Cute stitcheries.... Got the fire roaring this morning it's cold ..... Should be some Frost must look out ......

  3. Those are cute.. you are keeping up well...

  4. Two lovely stitcheries, hope you had a good walk and the river is behaving.

  5. Two great blocks Raewyn. xx


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