
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 10

Today was a very pleasant Sunday!
The Chookshed Stitchers had a meet i.e. a zoom session - I was able to join in this morning and spent my time knitting. I haven't touched this jersey for George for nearly a week and really want to get it done SOON while winter is still here!
This is the front, it has a split and a wee button band at the neck/front —
And I've previously finished the back, peeking out of the bag —
It's always fun to sit and chat with the ladies. You never know what's going to be be discussed!

After a few chores, I settled into The Palace for a spot of sewing. I only intended to do a bit (i.e. one block) as it was quite nice outside and there are plenty of things that need doing elsewhere. However being a Sunday I gave myself permission to keep on sewing.
First block of the day for my Memory Lane quilt —
Joined by another block; this one is for my Omigosh! quilt —
While I was on the subject of Churndashes, I decided to make another one — 
(Uh-oh please don't tell Chooky but I think I may have succumbed to the Chooky Churndash Sewalong.)
(But if I do decide to sew more, they will definitely be a leader-ender scrappy project!!!)
I encountered neither water nor cows on my walk first thing this morning. I had no trouble getting over the bridge!
And up the back hill okay as well —
In spite of it being winter the Lycopodium is looking lovely and healthy at the moment. It grows along the side of the tracks in amongst the fern and bracken, etc. Florists love it as it lasts a long time.
Looking at the bridge from the other end, you can see little damage this time. Just a few branches and some fences/wires to put up —
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Beautiful churn dash. We are on zoom

  2. Gorgeous churn-dash blocks. Love the boots.

  3. isn't is amazing how fast water can go down in a river after overflowing bridges. Now you can get your walk in and do the clean up later! Hope you get the sweater done fast enough so it can be used in the cool weather.

  4. Nice jumper you'er knitting for George.
    Great blocks.
    Pleased there wasn't too much damage from the water.

  5. Beautiful Churn Dashes. Good to see you on zoom.

  6. It is always good to achieve more than planned. The blocks are looking good and so is the knitting!

  7. Beautiful blocks Raewyn, love the gumboots in the centre of the one block there. Good you could get over the bridge, lucky there was not much damage this time. Was good to see you on zoom. Your knitting looks great too.

  8. You have been busy, i Like the churn dashes. Your walking spot looks beautiful

  9. Such a beautiful walk, with the possibility of cows and more. I wish I could walk with you. Although I do see some birds, flowering trees and if I am lucky, a bunny, I mostly walk along a major roadway. Looks like the churn dash blocks are a squirrel for you :-) I can picture you in your palace with a spot of sewing. Hope there is a pot of tea nearby :-)

  10. Careful on that bridge! It looks slippery.

    I like the stitch pattern on the gold coloured yarn🙂


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