
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 13

I didn't fit much sewing in for day 13 but did quickly whip up two more churn dashes —

Having a wee pile of prepped blocks does make it so much easier to grab that moment and have a quick sew! 
I have a bit of a plan for my churndashes - inspired by Joy, think I am using *this* pattern by Denise Russart. It's probably a lot more involved than I initially intended (!) but it appealed and I will make mine smaller. 

We did a bit of stock work in the morning; as the start of calving approaches, it's time to sort the cows - we drafted out those that are due to calve first and put them somewhere that is nice and flat and easily accessible —
Meanwhile, the rest went back along the road to the hill paddocks until their turn for the luxury treatment.
Even though it looks nice and green, it's a typical Northland winter look - anywhere the cows walk there are tread marks, and it's a constant balancing act, not to make mud. The pastures take too long to recover from mud!
And you guessed it, none of the stock are across the river at the moment - the water has gone down but not away!
There's a little bit of clean up to do, not too much structural damage. We're expecting more heavy rain tomorrow so there's no point clearing fences just yet.
The horses were happy to have a bit of hay —
Well, this post was 12 hours late being written as we're actually into day 14 now. I'd better get my day started and think about day 14!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Yes, for someone who wasn't sure about joining in with the churn dash along.... LOL You picked a busy pattern. I can see why though.
    Hope you dry out a bit soon.

  2. I agree with Lou..........LOL............the pattern looks interested to see what you do with it........

  3. Rain, rain and more rain, its been a bit of a worry, hasn't it. Hope your paddocks dry out soon, in time for calving.

  4. so you live in the North end of NZ? Sorry you are getting so much rain - we need it desperately here in Arkansas US

  5. That Churn Dash quilt looks like fun. Hope you get enough but not too much rain! xx

  6. i do like that churn dash design. have fun

  7. Great Churn Dash pattern you’ve chosen to play with. Better than my boring one…..
    Sure is a lot of work with the cows both with cavleing

  8. And keeping the paddocks from being huge mud baths.

  9. Heading into busy time for you now! That is a very nice Churn Dash quilt you are making. Must be hard not to get the mud when all the cows walk on through.


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