
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Block-a-day July Day 14

I've been doing a bit of applique in the evenings. It's for the 'My Redwork Garden' quilt we are making as a shop sample at work. The machine sewing is done at the shop and I've been doing the hand applique at home. Good teamwork!
These are the latest blocks —

I didn't get much other sewing done today - with only four lines of stitching and a bit of cutting to do, I squeezed out two more Hourglass blocks (!!!) - better than no blocks at all —

Being a Thursday, I had a small boy today. We joined his cousins in town and had a fun time playing with blocks —
It was pretty cool; the blocks are made of foam and there are hundreds of them! It was set up as a school holiday programme.
(Yes, there is a child in there!)

Back home, we had the compulsory feeding of the chooks —
(Yes, those are mandarins on the ground, all the rain has turned them into soggy pieces of fruit. We were having a good feed off this tree until the weather turned.)

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I used to love feeding the chooks as a little girl, but I recall being scared of the rooster.

  2. Those blocks look like lots of fun.
    Shame about the mandarins….

  3. the kids are having so much fun

  4. I had not see those foam bricks for kids to play - I will need to look for that and see the cost - I buy a new toy or game now and then for the children's section of the library for story times

  5. Very pretty redwork quilt!
    Oh, my goodness, those blocks look like real construction materials and before I read your explanation, I thought that was a pretty hazardous play area for little ones. But they look like a lot of fun, now that I know they are foam.
    My grandpa raised prize chickens and I loved feeding them, too. I also loved going to the quonset hut where the new baby chicks had a huge place of their own under large heat lamps. Good memories being made there.

  6. Love the redwork. My grandies love to feed the chooks too & collect the eggs. Always my job as a child but we had a rooster that always like to attack us. :( Hugs,

  7. Lovely redwork project and those foam blocks look like great fun! xx

  8. Beautiful blocks Raewyn. The kids are enjoying those blocks. Young Odie looks very happy feeding the chooks.

  9. I love those blocks...real colours and shapes. Even if they are soft!!


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