
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 12

It was a funny ole day today and I didn't feel like I settled at anything.
I did settle for long enough to sew 'a block' - and ended up with 6 hourglass blocks so that was something :-)
These are filler blocks for my Memory Lane quilt - I am trying to progress on it this month and I feel like I am slowly making headway!

I had some happy mail recently, a lovely surprise gift from Di of Quilting is Blissful
I love to read so this will be well used - thank you very much, Di ♥ The birdhouse is too cute!

In the gifting line, I made a needlecase for a friend recently —
It was one of those projects that I didn't know how it was going to finish  - the starting point was the stitchery and it just grew from there!

We had some pretty heavy rain overnight (plus a lot of wind) so we had a minor flood today —
(As opposed to a major flood, or 'the river's up a bit')
No chance of a walk across the bridge to get up the back hills!
Even Emma dog decided the water was moving too fast for her. And I discovered a hole in my gumboots!
It will probably be down below the bridge by the morning. I think we have a couple of fine days ahead of us (fingers crossed).
The winter's been fairly mild so we've built up a good bank of grass for when the cows start calving. It can look quite impressive in the right light!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. the little needle case is lovely and lucky to receive a gift from Di........
    no walking adventures to far today........thanks for the pics and the grass looks amazing.......blink and they will be calving????
    No churn dash block today?

  2. that is a lot of running through the land and here we are getting no rain at all - sure could use some of yours!

  3. Good to have made some of the filler blocks.
    Nice gift from Di and your Needle case is lovely.
    Hope the water goes down over the bridge and get to have a long walk.
    Lots of fed for the cows and calves when they arrive.

  4. I spotted the rainbow in the last photo--so pretty--
    any sewing that gets done is 'good sewing'--
    Happy you liked the book mark--It's too hard to send things at Christmas--so decided I would do something sometime during the year!!
    stay dry--hugs, di

  5. The little needle case is so cute, such a lovely gift. And your gift, the bookmark is cute too.
    We had plenty of rain down this way too, almost 9cm in 24 hours. Thank goodness I was able to stay home all day.

  6. The weather has been horrendous all over the country so I'm pleased that you escaped with just a little flood, and not a huge one.

  7. My goodness that is a little flood and good on Emma dog for not attempting to swim over. Lovely gift from Di and the needle case is very pretty. Lots of good grass there for the calves and Mums.

  8. Lovely fabrics for your hourglasses and a pretty needlecase. xx


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