
Thursday, June 2, 2022


I have no idea where the last month has gone and had no intention of taking a bloggy/social media break!!!
But here I am back again, ready to share my May finishes and achievements- yes there are some!!
The biggest finish of the month is shown here, being given the cat seal of approval by Nigel —
This started off as leftover blocks from Xavier's quilt. I added to the three Buggy Barn blocks intending to get it to my great-nephew last winter. Life got in the way (big time!) but I have now finished it for this winter! 
I had put it away with not too much needing doing on it - the quilting had been started so last week I got busy and finished that.
The farmyard shots of it were a bit glarey — I had to take a floor shot as well —
The quilting was fairly simple; straight lines in places, simple meandering in others, with a bit of wishbone and this and that thrown in elsewhere.
The border just got piano-key style quilting. It's so dark and busy, I decided that was all that was needed.

In my desperation I even roped in the MOML as a quilt handler...hehe check out the gumboots camouflaged against the shed!

Another quilt finish on a completely different scale is one I have called 'Lily's first quilt'.
I had two children here one day and they decided sewing would be a fun idea. We went through a range of ideas until 'we' decided a quilt for their dolls would be perfect.
Very random sized scraps of winceyette were sewn together —
And quilted —
George was the pin remover, pedal pusher and scissor snipper.
We just did a  simple zigzag around the outside edge —
George started one too but we didn't get that finished - that will be for another day.

I've also made Odie another pair of pants. This child literally grows before your very eyes and just when YD thinks she has his wardrobe sorted, he has another spurt! 
I used the Scout pattern by Twig+Tale. Although I have an overlocker, it's buried under unfinished quilts so I used the stretch stitch on my Bernina which worked well.
A modelled pic —

The final make for the month was a beanie I knitted for my sister. I made myself one a couple of years ago and always wanted to make one for her too. I finally got some yarn with possum fur in it (Outlaw Yarn; 45%Polwarth, 45% Alpaca and 10% possum) which I had been on the look out for. The possum is extra light and cosy and gives it a lovely feel.
The pattern is Everglade by Woolly Wormhead. The design on it has good texture without being too complicated to knit.
With the one I made myself back in 2020.

So, productivity-wise, not a bad month for me :-) 
It feels nice to be writing/blogging/documenting again!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Well, with all of that you were obviously too busy to blog.
    Some lovely finishes and not one but two budding quilters.

  2. That's a lot of finishes for May, well done! Great job on using up the bits and pieces to make another little boys tractor quilt. And a couple of new sewers in the family! But I do wonder how one dolly quilt will keep two kids happy, perhaps another sewing day is needed?

  3. I think sometimes between farm work, sewing, children etc your time to blog just gets away from!! looks like you got a bit done

  4. Not a bad month at all. I love the beanies. That blue is such a pretty color. Mason's quilt turned out so cute too. Sewing with the kids is always so entertaining. They love it when they create something. I think I need a pin remover for when I sew!!!

  5. You've done very well this month.... I love the quilt and the boots are the perfect accessory!! haha... It does surprise me how time disappears. Lovely to be sewing with the children....


  6. Nice to see you back in blogland....... You were busy and love all the pics of the quilt.......

  7. lovely projects...cute little students too!

  8. Masen’s quilt is lovely and great to have it finished.
    So nice to be sewing along with the two little ones and the doll looks cosy tucked under it.
    Odie new trackies look lovely and warm.
    Gorgeous beanie for your Sis.

  9. Well done Lily and George... teamwork!!

    I like that farmyard quilt..nice bright and punchy, one for a young person to enjoy!

  10. Hi Raewyn I love seeing your beautiful work ,the quilt is so cute as are Odies pants.
    How wonderful that your grand daughter is interested in sewing and she did a wonderful job of her do,s quilt.
    Your hat looks like it will keep your head very warm.
    I have also sent you an invite to my blog as it’s private now only if you want to ,hope you have a wonderful weekend 🤍💕🤍

  11. Well done on some great finishes, love Masen's quilt. I am with you, where is the time going? Trying to catch up on blog reading tonight, am so far behind.

  12. Well done getting some finishes in the middle of a busy time.
    Masen's quilt is adorable. Hope he has loads of fun with it.
    And the beanie looks warm and snuggly. So cold at the moment.

  13. It's scary how quickly time flies! Love seeing all your pics of creativity! I'm also intrigued by your "table" with sunken Bernina - did dh make it for you? I've been finding mine a little high and am considering how I put it lower in the table... xx


  14. I love all your finishes. We don't have many beanie days here in Queensland but today is one of them. I love the farm quilt.

  15. Raewyn - my goodness, you have been busy! I love the quilt, especially displayed by the One in gumboots! So Cool. And the little pants - so, so adorable! Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Hi Raewyn, those are great finished and I love the pics from the farm! Take care.

  17. How terrific when you get such a great quilt from leftovers from another! Love the gumboots shot. I also love the hat you knitted AND you know I’m going to say this, possum fur?! Do they raise them like alpacas then shave them and they regrow? Or do I want to know…

  18. Lovely to see the MOYL helping with the quilt photos, I like the gumboots touch. You have many great finishes for the month Raewyn, beautiful quilt for Masen and great beanie for your sister.


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