
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tidying up April

Well here we are into another month and once again I have fallen behind on my reporting.
In my last post I was busy working on blocks for my Bear baby quilt. I've made it this far —
— and I feel like I am on the homeward straight now.
I have, however,  just realised that I need another fabric to use in the border. As my bears and paws blocks are basically just 'odds and sods' fat quarters this may slow me down. Hopefully not too much!

Also slowing me down a little is that I had a DrEAMi moment this past week. Suddenly my overflowing scrap bins started screaming at me. 
Drop Everything and Make It!!!
So I've started another scrap quilt project.
This one uses 2" squares. I hope these will chew more scraps up than my Omigosh blocks which only use 1" squares/strips. 
Anyway I'm making 36-patch blocks, using neutral coloured Moda solids as the alternative patches. I have a lot of these as well - trimmings from bigger stitchery blocks, etc, etc.
AND while I am at it, I'm trying really hard to cut up my scraps using Bonnie Hunter's scrap management ideas. I've always shied away from doing this ("What if I want fabric cut in other sizes!!") but feel ready to do this now. 
This DrEAMi moment has caused me to slow down on my bear blocks but it is extremely satisfying, and just a little bit addictive. I'm hoping that as I settle into this (long-term) sewing-of-my-scraps, it will become my leader-ender project.
Thank you to Sandra of mmm quilts for helping us celebrate these moments of madness when we just have to start something new.

Another wee distraction over the weekend was to sew a pillowcase for young Odie. 
There's a delightful story behind this. When I saw the fabric I just had to buy some for our tractor loving small boy Odie. It was still draped over a chair after I had showed it off to the MOML.
Nek minnit (apologies to the non kiwis) -okay- next minute, young George is visiting and asking if it was for him and can I please make something for him out of it. "Of course" I say, mentally adding another metre of it to my shopping list.
Next day, Odie is visiting, and that fabric is still waiting to be put away. He grabs it and spends quite some time carting it around the house while saying "Gandad tractor","tractor" and so on!

So I made him a pillowcase (he is using the ones I made his sisters long ago) —
I used the Burrito method but added an inside flap. I'm going to change how I do these as, no matter how much I fiddled, there was still a raw edge inside the pillowcase that needed neatening, and sewing down.  I love the burrito method but adding the flap just complicates it! Next time I want one like this I will give myself some time to play to work it out better. 
It's fair to say the pillowcase was a huge success. There was great excitement last night when he received it and he carried it around the house until bedtime exclaiming "Tractor! Tractor!" This morning he was still playing with it —

This pillowcase was my one and only finish for April.

I had a brilliant walk this morning, up the hills across the road —
You'd be forgiven for thinking we had another flood event happening! I am enjoying the misty starts to our autumn days.
I walked over 4 kms up these hills so am feeling pretty pleased with myself.
But the day has now turned a bit cooler and wet so I'm going to spend the afternoon sewing sashing and sorting scraps. Fun fun fun.
'til next time,
Happy stitches,


  1. Beautiful blocks Raewyn, hee hee the squirrel that visits Lou and myself must have come to your place! Love the scrappy blocks. Oh look at Odie, he is the spitting image of your YD, how pleased is he with his tractors!! Well done on the walking, that is a beautiful view, I though at first you were near the beach. Hope you enjoy your sewing and sorting.

  2. Love The Bears and the best paw blocks...... Must be a winner with the tractors one very happy boy......

  3. Love those Bears and Paws blocks….
    Oh it doesn’t take much to distract us from one project and Star another or two….
    My cutting table looks like a bombs gone off. I think there’s three projects on there….
    Odie sure is overjoyed with his tractor pillow slips.
    Beautiful morning for your walk.

  4. Baby Bear Quilt - so so cute!!

  5. The bears and paws blocks are cute. I was reticent about the scrap system, but I work my fabrics toward it once they are smaller than a fat quarter and I do use a lot of them surprisingly. I don't have enough room to sort it all out by color too. You call your pillowcase the burrito method. I make something similar it is called the magic pillowcase. I always make them using french seams and I seem to be able to encase that raw edge. What a pretty walk, and the story about the tractor fabric is awesome.

  6. Look at that face, he certainly loves his new pillowcase! And I love your bear faces on the cot quilt, so cute. Lovely misty morning photos too.

  7. Love your bear blocks, I'm sure you will find something to sash them soon.
    It's so lovely the way you tell the story of Odie and his love of tractors, Grandad and his pillow case.

  8. That’s why we sew! He looks so pleased. The bear quilt is looking so cute too.

  9. The bear quilt is adorable! I love that combination--so cute.
    I really like your new scrap project. I have cut up my mother's scraps to make similar blocks, but haven't started sewing yet. I like your idea to do them as leader/enders.
    I have a pillowcase pattern that includes a little "flap", as you called it, and there are no unfinished edges. If I can find it, I will send you a link. That is such a fun photo of the happy recipient.
    Love the photos from your walk.

  10. Your bear quilt is looking wonderful. Lovely block combo of course.
    And the pillow case is adorable and obviously enjoyed.

  11. Isn’t it wonderful when something so simple brings so much joy. Will you be making a second pillowcase? The bears are also turning out beautifully and your misty morning photos are gorgeous.

  12. Ha! Ha! Moments of madness" that's so perfect a description, and I may just grab ALL (and there are a TON from colour wash quilts) 2" scraps and start making these blocks.... DrEAMis beget DrEAMis. Love the bright pillowcase, and love your bears quilt which will grow, fear not!

  13. Those bear faces and bear paws are delightful!

  14. I simply love how your baby bear quilt is coming together - wonderful! I, too, wanted to make 2022 the Year of Depleting My Scraps. However, it's isn't happening just yet. Life is throwing too much at me right now. Maybe I'll start in June? Or not. At any rate, congrats on getting out for a glorious walk! It does wonders for the soul.

  15. Loving the Baby Bears quilt...great idea to put the bear faces and bear paw block together...

  16. Raewyn - hilarious story about the fabric! And the sky shots are spectacular!

  17. The bear quilt blocks are absolutely gorgeous. And thanks for teaching me a new crafting acronym, I'd never heard DrEAMi before but I've definitely experienced it.

  18. SUPER photo of the happy boy and his pillowcase (great story). Lovely nature photos - stunning beauty.

  19. Oh, boy! Blogger is very selectively allowing me to comment on some posts, and yours is one of them! I absolutely adore the baby bear quilt you are working on! Can’t wait to see it finished. However you decide to complete it, it will be perfect! As always, I enjoy your landscape/nature pictures. Had I known I’d grow old, I’d have traveled further in my youth. Enjoy your day! XO

  20. Love those bear blocks and so fun with the bear paw variation. I always say that scrap projects don't count as new projects because they are using existing scraps - but I know there is a fault in my logic there 😂


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