
Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter Weekend Sew In

A long weekend for Easter was the perfect excuse to sign up with Wendy of Sugarlane Designs and plan a good few days sewing. Wendy cleverly decided to extend Friday Night Sew In to Easter Weekend Sew In.
As we approach Monday afternoon though, I can only say that my results are abysmal!
Firstly, the stitchery. Although I tell myself I'm ready to swap it out for some evenings of needleturn, I've kept on stitching this BOM and feel quite pleased that I'm now up to Month 7 of nine —
Other blocks stitched since I last shared this project —
Yesterday I got to my sewing machine for a bit. I started on some Bear Paw blocks which go with the Bear blocks I've been making lately.
I didn't get very far but it was a good start, getting me thinking about my fabrics and the technique (for example, instead of making individual HSTs I'm using the 8-at-a-time method. I love that method - so much quicker!) —

As you can see, I'm also doing a little extra sewing to create bonus HSTs. I've been doing this with the Bear blocks too and am accumulating quite a pile for another project - another day!
Thank you Wendy♥ for hosting us this Easter. Visit her blog *here* to see what others got up to.

The weekend has been a lot fuller with family fun that I realised it was going to be.
On Friday we gathered at ED's for a family egg hunt —
The two older grandie-girls missed out on the chocolate but they were both busy working or holidaying. 
Even though autumn is here, the kids decided a swim was a good idea. I think they lasted about 20 minutes max!
On Saturday we went with ED to the Big Cat Sanctuary on the other side of town. This was established by 'The Lion Man' about 25 (?) years ago. We had a lot to do with it in those days as it was quite close to where we used to farm and we grazed stock there. The MOML and Craig got on really well. It's had a chequered past with changes of ownership/management and has recently re-opened. It was interesting to go back. We were very impressed with the new enclosures
They had a bit of a family day with a band, sausage sizzle and facepainting which was quite fun.
We've also had YD and her small boy visit. We went for a bit of a farm walk —
Peek-a-boo is fun with lots of trees around!
Yesterday afternoon we (YD,ED and I) got together with some friends for 'fivesies'. It  was lovely to catch up with them.
Whew! So that's been my weekend and why the sewing didn't happen. It's all been great fun though. We're so lucky to have so many special people to spend our time with.
I hope everyone else has had a lovely Easter.
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. You can't really say No to family stuff, can you? Some sewing ...and the rest will wait.

  2. Looks like you've had a nice weekend. Sewing and family - great combination :)

  3. What a lovely social time you had! Your little tribe look very happy with their haul of eggs. Nice embroidered blocks and I am sure there will soon be more bears paws! xx

  4. Looks like a lovely weekend. Lots of sewing progress too.
    I used to watch The Lion Man. It's nice to know that the big cats are still cared for.

  5. It’s wonderful to have so much fun family time….
    Good to have had some time to sew too. Can’t wait to see your Bears 🐻 🐻

  6. Great photos! I’m sure you’ll soon catch up on your sewing!
    Your embroidery is beautiful!
    Barbara xx 😁🙋‍♀️👋
    (I joined in this weekend too, but maybe I should have been patchworking 🤣😂🤣😂

  7. You need a holiday weekend to get over the holiday weekend ....

  8. It can be busy but when it is family it makes it okay. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Glad you did manage some sewing though.

  9. What a fun weekend. I love hearing about it all. Those big cats are really BIG!

  10. Cute stitched blocks.
    But even cuter family that keep you on your toes, I'm sure. :)

  11. looks like a lovely weekend


  12. Family first...looks like you all had a fab time.

  13. So good to have family time, those grandchildren are all growing so fast!
    Your stitcheries and bears paws are lovely.

  14. Hi Raewyn your blocks are lovely well done with what you got done as you were certainly busy with family and friends which is lovely ,so glad that you had a wonderful Easter Weekend 💕🤍💕

  15. Your embroidery blocks are lovely. So nice to spend time with family. Looks like you had an awesome Easter.

  16. Raewyn - it was a wonderful Easter as we are here in the UK and the weather has been so beautiful while it has been snowing back in Montana! I like the colors of the stitching you were doing - the pile of suitcases is so adorable! Enjoy the coming weekend!

  17. Looks like a lovely Easter weekend with the managed more sewing than I did and those stitcheries are lovely...

  18. Good combination of stitching time and family time

  19. Family time is more important, really, than stitching time, though the stitching helps keep me sane, lol. Each time I see your stitching, I want to run and pull out mine from years ago... One day!

  20. I'm impressed you managed to get as much sewing done as you did with all the wonderful family activities you had going on over the weekend!

  21. I can see why you are super interested in a reserve with big cats near where you keep your herds. It sounds like you were pleased.

    Your embroidery BOM is lovely as are all your projects. Your workmanship is always perfect.


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