
Monday, April 11, 2022

Trying again.... catch up!
(Warning - this post is only a little bit sewing related.)

First of all, a finish from March - which I haven't yet shared.
My wee squirrel project (not planned but I had to do it anyway!) is complete —
This was a SAL run by Larisa (@stitchingnotes) and Irina (@nordiccrafter) on Instagram as part of their Sip Tea and EPP fun.
The inside of the sewing folder —
And the outside, opened up. It looks wonky because I didn't remove the bits and pieces before taking the photo! —
There was lots of scope for embellishing to your heart's content, as and how you like.
I had a wee hunt through my bits and found the wee hand tag to stitch on —
and had fun learning how to stitch these sweet bees —
A few more finds; tiny buttons and some tape tape (!) —
Although this started as a free sewalong, I did end up purchasing the pattern for the extra details as well as saving me having to flick back and forth through Instagram posts. The pattern is available via either of their Instagram sites.

Now a farm catch-up from March. Three weeks ago we had some much needed rain (we were in drought) but unfortunately it all came at once and the farm flooded.
It was an unusual rain, quite localised, which caused the river to flood quite differently than any previous floods we've had in the 18 years we've been here. We had extremely fast rising water, resulting in a flash flood which didn't give us time to move the animals the way we usually do.
This is my first photo I took that day, from the deck of the house. When we can see the river from the house we know it's going to flood. Usually that takes a couple of hours —
But the photo below is only 16 minutes later. The river is usually just beyond the horses. I couldn't get to them to move them, the water was already too deep and too fast - luckily they both swum to safety, although it took us a couple of hours to actually sight them in the distance (on the other side of the river) —
The herd (200 cows) were in a similar situation, we only just got them out of their paddock before it was completely under water.
These photos show all our 'bottom flats' covered about 1½ hours later.
The water trough below is just visible! —
Of course you get to the stage where all you can do is wait for it to go down again. The sun came out and the kids came over to explore. We were able to play in some of the shallower areas!
Out came the kayak —
All the kids got at least two turns, so it was lots of fun!
By 5.30 that night, it had gone down a lot!
And then it was all over, except for cleaning up the mess! This photo is taken from over the river - all of the flats you can see were covered in water the day before. It took nearly three weeks to re-build fences (a lot of posts were broken) and clear the debris.

Co-incidentally there is a weather watch for Northland tomorrow....heavy rain and strong winds (ex-Cyclone Fili). We've prepped as much as we can do but are hoping it's not going to be as severe! Time will tell.
EDIT: it now looks like it will veer off to the east and mostly miss us 😊
I haven't been able to sew for a few days so in between times I hope to get back to my bears and stars -they're too cute to ignore for too long!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I do hope that you have not had a repeat of the flooding - it looks horrendous although I am glad the children were able to have fun. So much work to clear up afterwards.
    Your sewing case is delightful! I have found the two links on Instagram and am off to investigate more! Thinking of you. xx

  2. The river did rise very quickly but thankfully the horses and cows were all okay…
    So much cleaning up to do.
    Great the kids got to have some fun…
    Lovely sewing case and I hope you get to sew soon.

  3. Sorry about all the damage. Farming is always challenging one way or another. I'm glad you didn't loose any of the cattle.

  4. I am just catching up after being with Chooky. This is a hard time for you. Hope you get through it ok. I hope to meet you next year

  5. glad to hear the animals made it through the flash flooding ok, that does leave a mess of mud behind doesn't it. Farming is hard work. It is scary when the water comes so fast - we are in for three days of rain and possible bad weather here - already have had a little rain but it isn't bad, I hope we don't get bad storms tonight. I guess the worst might be Wednesday
    That little sewing notion bag is cute

  6. Oh my, that is a lot of rain. Interesting how fast it went down. I'm sorry about the damage, but very happy that you, your extended family, your home and your animals are all safe. I hope subsequent rains don't cause any more flooding, especially given the ground is so saturated right now. Stay safe. And your stitchery project is beautiful. I love it.

  7. Your sewing folder is very nice. I love the embellishments, especially your hexies.
    That was an incredible amount of rain and flooding. Hope the next storm wasn't as bad.

  8. Glad you are all ok.... it always amazes me just how much damage rising water does.... love your little sewing case - the little bits you added are perfect...


  9. OMGoodness that came up so fast...glad you are all safe and the animals too! Your little sewing pouch is lovely. Good news Fili left you alone xx

  10. Water, water everywhere! And more on the way it seems. Hope you don't get too much.
    Your wee sewing case is cute, what a lovely finish.

  11. That had to be scary. Glad it all turned out well. Your sewing project is adorable.

  12. Glad the water went down quickly and you are all fixed up now, hope you get back to some stitching time soon

  13. Oh no - I'm glad it wasn't any worse for you - fence posts repair is probably enough of a challenge but at least you and your stock are OK.

  14. So glad you were safe, and that the animals managed. Wow it came and went to quickly. Cute little sewing wallet.

  15. what a pretty sewing book.........
    Glad the animals were all ok........every flood if different and so please you only lost fencing......

  16. Wow that certainly was a different event to the past and it happened so quickly! Good to see the little ones had some fun in the kayak (and the big ones too no doubt) Shame it leaves so much mess to much cleaned up. Your sewing supplies case is lovely.

  17. Your sewing folder is lovely. Such a simple design but very pretty. Great idea to be able to add your own little extras.
    Wow, that is a lot of water. I am always amazed at how quickly water can rise in these situations. I am so pleased all the animals were okay, but I feel for you with all the clean up that needs doing. I also hope you get more rain later on that is not in one burst like that.
    Hope all is well.

  18. Raewyn - stories abound with the effects of weather in ways that are new and damaging. Repairing fences is a lot of work, but it is a blessing that your animals were not harmed. Happy Easter to you!

  19. Adorable and useful little squirrel project.
    THe little boy jumping in the water is the BEST picture. It really made me smile.


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