
Sunday, September 19, 2021

A bit of this, a bit of that —

Well it seems that when I told myself that I would try to blog at least weekly, the message didn't get through!! So here I am a good two three weeks since my last post. 
However it feels like I don't have a huge amount of creating to share. I'll get writing and see what I find to talk about!
A wee look through my photos reminds me that I blinked and the Oak tree was in leaf - all of a sudden it was spring!
Spring and September for us here can be wet, but in between showers there are a few beauties.
I grew Crocus for the first time —
Another first, I planted some Rununculus bulbs and they are flowering too! It was a gorgeous day when I took these photos —
When I planted the bulbs, I also sowed a packet of wildflower seeds in the same barrel so it will be interesting to watch the changes as the year progresses.

On the farm it's easy for the MOML and I to only notice the muddy gateways and and soggy pastures. However our daughter in law sent this fun photo through of the kids (and pets) rolling down the hill - doesn't the farm look great from there?!
Ha! the next photo she sent though brought us back down to earth with a thump - yep, the kids' favourite puddle, apparently!!
September is the month when the kowhai flower and I always look out for the first yellow blooms. I took this photo when feeding calves this morning. These trees in the bush are on the other side of a swamp so this is as close as I got today. 
This is a photo I took another time, such lovely flowers.

Calving has slowed right down and the end is nearly in sight, with approx 20 cows left to calve. The last ones always drag on for ages....70-80% of the cows get in calf on their first mating so we have an almighty rush of calves in the first 4 weeks. Some cows need a second mating, or a third or.... you get the picture. We've sold a bunch of calves, I currently have 103 that I'm feeding. Lots of delicious brown Angus cross in the photo below —
I always love seeing all the different shades of brown —
After being housed in various sheds and so on, most of the older ones are out on grass and getting milk-fed once a day, so that has eased my workload a lot.
Which gives me time to get back to my normal pursuits. 
A little childminding (Odie loves his Gandad's farming magazines!) —

And a little sewing —
I've had a bit of brain fog lately that's upset my apple cart so I've avoided anything that requires too much thinking and decision making.
Evenings has been basket making, with a straightforward design. Just the background fabric and one other —
The pattern was kindly provided by Michelle - she has now finished her Basket-case quilt, it looks lovely.
I didn't realise that I'd amassed such a pile of these - so it's motivating to keep going with them and aim for a decent sized quilt.
I've done a little sewing during the day, enough to keep my hand in!
I have made another one of the Reindeer blocks for Juliet of Tartankiwi's Sleighride sewalong. Details *here*. Again, once I'd decided on the fabrics for this deer, there weren't too many decisions to make, just the foundation piecing process, which I have down pat, to follow. 
(I showed my first blocks *here*)
I think the fog is starting to clear now so I'm hoping for a bit more creativity in the future :-)
And, just right now, there's new calvers to get to the shed and calves to be fed!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. The country is looking a picture..... Love the pic of the kids in the puddle..... Always amazes me the colour variation you can get......

  2. It is such a busy time on a farm that I am surprised you have been able to get in any stitching. Well done. Spring is looking lovely in all the photos, including the mud puddles.

  3. Your farm is looking so lush and green. Love that photo of the kiddies in the puddle. Pure bliss!
    Your reindeer look superb!

  4. Looking after the calves is certainly a busy time for you. I love the pic of the grandies in their favourite puddle! Our Kowhai tree has just started flowering too, they are such pretty flowers, I always think, a real sign of Springs arrival.

  5. Children love mud! It's always so refreshing to see the trees in bloom across the fields. Happy spring and happy stitching!

  6. Such a busy time on your farm at calving time….
    Great photos of the kids rolling down the beautiful green field and playing in the mud puddles…
    Nice blooms to enjoy.

  7. Oh , lovely collection of baskets 🧺

  8. Lovely spring pictures :-) , well we are in opposite mode, moving towards winter (sadly), but there nothing we can do about it.
    Your sewing is coming along nicely, I like your baskets - do you get fed up with them? That is something which would worry me if I started something like this.
    I seem to struggle with my blog, I don't post nothing as often as I would like too, but I supposed it might be quite normal after blogging for such a long time.

  9. your grands are having such fun and right now don't even know they are creating memories that they will remember when they are older. Life on the farm is busy I think you are forgiven for not blogging more but always nice to see your post and what you are up to when you do

  10. OH my Raewyn how beautiful everything looks. What a wonderful Spring. Your photos are great. But my absolute FAV is your gkids playing in the mud. Very special photo showing how happy and full of love your gkids are. Just warms my heart.

  11. It was so good to read and see signs of spring--cause here--everything is dying off and turning brown for the winter!!!
    lots of good looking cows and really cute kiddo's there--doing "old fashion" activities--rolling down hills and jumping in mud puddles--how cool!!
    Have fun with the quilt projects--love those little baskets-
    hugs, di

  12. You're so busy creating, no wonder you don't find time for blogging!!
    It's lovely when you do show us what you've been up to xx

  13. Busy times on the farm for you and you have still managed a bit of sewing.... so lovely seeing signs of Spring all over...

  14. I'm mind boggled at the thought of caring for 103 baby calves! You work hard, that's for sure. Your baskets and reindeer are great!

  15. You certainly have been busy Raewyn with 103 calves to raise, good to hear some are out in the paddock now. That is a great photo of the kids and let's rolling down the hill, the farm does look wonderful. Kids and muddy puddles the look like they are having so much fun! Your baskets are growing and looking good great, love the reindeer. Hopefully soon you get some creating time.

  16. How fun to share your farm with all of us! I especially like the photo of the kids playing in the mud - that's every child's dream (even if they don't realize it, lol). Glad you found some 'me' time to write out your blog. It certainly does take time away from the day's activities. Hopefully your brain fog will clear so you can do some creative stitching!

  17. Isn’t spring a lovely time of year. I love the photos of your farm looking so lush and green and the kidlets enjoying themselves. I hope you get lots more stitching done in the near future.

  18. Children always find the places to have fun. It's lovely to see those smiles and the joy in a big puddle. LOL
    I hope the fog clears and allows you to sew again.

  19. So nice to see spring blossoms as we head into autumn. And that puddle pic???? Fun!

  20. Raewyn - it is so important for kids to be kids, whether it's rolling down the hill or playing in mud!!!

  21. I too feel the days are zooming by. Beautiful photos of your grandies enjoying your farm. So chuffed to see all your lovely baskets.

  22. Those browns are indeed beautiful, except for the reindeer you paper-pieced - he is really handsome. I love those yellow flowers. They remind me of Cassia Fistula I grew up seeing in India.
    Thank you for letting us take a peek into your farm life. As if that is not a lot of work, you childmind and sew as well. You are a superwoman, Raewyn!!!


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