
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Cut Short —

The MOML and I with our feet up, enjoying a change of scenery the other day. 
Each year we try to get away for a weekend between the end of calving and the start of mating....a very narrow window of time...and when our son-in-law offered to milk for us recently, we jumped at the chance!
We headed up north as we usually do; this time we went to Omapere, at the mouth of the Hokianga Harbour on the west coast.
Even though it was school holidays, it was very quiet (it usually is, but more so this time) as only Northlanders can access Northland at the moment.
The view from our unit —
Looking down into the Hokianga Harbour —
The huge sand dunes across the water really dominate the view —

Unfortunately Northland suddenly went into Level 3 lockdown on Saturday night after two Covid infected people forged their way through the border and spent 4 days out and about. One person went into hiding, and they were both very uncooperative about their movements.
That meant we had to go home early, after just one night away. We did have a very full 36 hour holiday though! We had a good couple of walks. This walk was a 4 hour one (one-way) but we just went 40 minutes to an accessible beach. It was beautiful. — 
Some trickier areas —
We had taken a small picnic and had a wee rest before heading back —
Barely a soul around! —

So back home again, earlier than intended, I decided I needed a Sunday-Sewday! The next best thing to having some time away.
I really wanted to catch up on my star blocks for The Great Scrappy Star Adventure. I'd done the instructions for Month 9 but had only sewn the star 'spike' units as part of the writing process. 
I needed to check that it actually worked!!
I got carried away, making a whole lot of units, and then working out which ones would go with what—
The resulting stars (just 9" ones this time) —
A closer look at some of the fabrics —
And not yet shown, the Month 8 stars —

And quickly before I go, I have done a little more on my Squirrel project, the 2021 Laundry Basket Quilts mystery quilt.
Last time I shared, I had done the centre of the quilt —
The next lot of blocks have moved more to the reds, rather than the deep reds —
And this is where it is now; I have done another two rounds. (It's not designed as a round quilt but that is how I am sewing it.) Sit back a bit and squint at it; it looks pretty cool, I reckon!
(It looks elongated because I have only joined horizontally. I can't join the rows together until I have worked my way out to the outside edge, which is another three rounds. Getting there!)

There's plenty more to talk about but that's it for now, as it's well past my bedtime, 
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. A beautiful place for your little holiday but so annoying when folks can’t do as asked and you had to cut your stay short.
    Lots of lovely different Stars you’ve worked on and the mystery one is growing nicely too.

  2. So happy you got a chance to get away in such a gorgeous place. Sorry it was cut short but look at all the sewing you got done. Wow! Love all those blocks. I'm sure it is frustrating but New Zealanders are doing the right thing through all this madness. Maine was doing well until summer hit and tourists started floating in with little regard for Maine residents or apparently themselves. We now have more Covid cases than we did last year at this time. Not worried about myself, but have to careful for our little ones who are too young to be vaccinated. We will get through it! Enjoy your sewing time!

  3. We've always enjoyed our stays there, even if short (with the Northland Tour).
    At least you know where to go back when you can!
    Beautiful patchwork...all of it!!

  4. At least you got a day away from the barn but it was nice to have time for sewing! Edyta's quilt is looking wonderful! Happy stitching!

  5. that looks like such a wonderful place to stay I'm sorry your stay was cut so short though. I love all your star blocks and see the pattern that I am using in some of them and ideas for others!

  6. It's a bummer about your vacation, but hopefully spending time with your beautiful projects soothed your soul.

  7. What a stunning place for a getaway. Penguins on the beach? Oh my, so beautiful. I'm so sorry that your getaway was cut short due to two covid infected people not doing the right thing (quarantine) and putting others at risk, etc. I wish they could be fined to give you a refund for your expenses! I hope you get to go back one day. I definitely would love to go there. Beautiful. And your quilt projects are stunning. I love the design and colors. What perfect points (I'm jealous).

  8. What a beautiful area for a mini-vacation--sorry it got cut short--
    your area really takes the covid thing seriously--here in the USA--well?????
    Nice star blocks too--
    hugs, di

  9. At least they are both in MIQ now! Sorry your trip got cut short, it is hard to get away at this time of the year. Your quilt looks amazing, hopefully it’s finish will be some consolation.

  10. What a pity your holiday was cut short.... some people should be locked up for a long time!! oh well, looks like a sewing day was made good... love all those stars and your quilt is looking so good... love it...

  11. I am ashamed to be from the USA sometimes. Mostly the past 5 years. Your lockdown sounds like the makings of a science fiction story. We got breakthrough cases even though my husband and I were vaccinated, wore masks, etc. I was so mad! Wishing my country was more like yours. Your get-away looks absolutely awesome!

  12. So sorry that your holiday was cut short, but at least you could get home quickly without being stranded somewhere. The Northland visitors have really messed things up, and being so uncooperative about their movements must be so frustrating to the authorities. I'm sure there is more to this story which will no doubt come out sooner or later.

  13. What a beautiful place to visit so such a shame that your hard earned trip was cut short. Some people can be so thoughtless - well I think I would have used some very strong words about them!! The stars are coming along beautifully and your red and white is going to be stunning. xx

  14. I’m glad you were able to sneak away, even if only for a very short while. Such beautiful scenery and it looks like you had glorious weather. Your various stars are looking good. They will make a fun quilt. Your laundry basket quilt is progressing well too. Nice to see in reds.

  15. Glad you managed to get some time away, even a mini-break can recharge the batteries. Hopefully next week your level will change down again, now they have more info to help track & trace. Auckland still not looking good at all :( Loving your projects.

  16. You had a beautiful place to stay Raewyn, sorry to hear it got cut short, some people just can not do the right thing can they! Your star blocks are stunning and your mystery is growing really well.

  17. What a shame you had to leave that beautiful holiday spot. This pandemic has sadly shown us how inconsiderate some people can be. Thankfully the majority are far better than that.
    Your star blocks are wonderful. Love the way they came together.

  18. Hope you can get away another time, tho i know what dairy life is like, pretty holiday spot

  19. Shame your holiday was cut short - but you certainly have been productive in the sewing room - such variety from one idea - and love how the red one is going.

  20. Sorry about the shortened holiday. Your blocks look so nice. Glad you were able to get some sewing time.

  21. What a shame about your minibreak away. It looks just a gorgeous spot! Love all your star blocks x

  22. Omapere is such a pretty part of the world! Although it would have been better without the Covid lockdown 😢. I see I have some star blocks to catch up on...

  23. The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, Raewyn. I am sorry it was cut short. All the star blocks (and they are so many of them) are lovely. I am going to go back and take another look after I hit publish.

  24. What a shame to have your little holiday cut short! All your sewing projects look great, at least you got some sewing time in... xx

  25. A shame your wee break was cut so short, such a beautiful spot...Oh how I love a good star block (really are there any not good star blocks! ha ha ha)...ooh that Laundry Baskets quilt is looking fabulous...

  26. Such a shame you wee break was cut short. You made the best of your early return though.
    I know how you feel, I was supposed to be off to visit Janice, Chooky and Anni Downs in a few days. Now I might not even make it out of the house, we'll have to see how things go down here in the South.


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