
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sewing pretty

I glanced up at my design wall the other day and realised that this week's sewing had been 'pretty' - projects using pretty fabrics.
First up was a mystery stitchery BOM I am doing through The Country Yard, as a participant rather than designer or sample maker. I fought very hard and tried to sit on my hands but in the end gave in. This stitchery uses motifs and stitchery designs from a variety of previous years' mystery projects; having been involved with the shop for as long as I have it really is like a walk down Memory Lane, which of course is what this BOM is called.
There were three different fabric ways we could choose from, and I have chosen to do mine in the Tilda fabric selection.
Here are the stitcheries from the first two months —
Here is month one sewn up —
And the month two blocks —
Month one and two combined —

This week I continued on with the Laundry Basket 2021 mystery QAL - the second set of 'pretties' up on the wall (and discussed *here*).
I finally got my head around where I was heading with this before I put it away for a bit. And I've decided to change tack with it, by sewing it up differently to how the instructions tell us.
Because it's no longer a mystery, I can see the end result and have decided to plan where my fabrics go a little more than if I had been keeping up a day and block at a time.
Plus, sewing 20 odd of the same block can be a little tiresome so it's nice to play as I go.
I've started at the centre with darker reds and am working out towards the outer edge, ending with the pinks/light reds.
So far my centre looks like this —
Below shows me having a bit of a play - I originally planned on the dark flying geese as on the bottom row, but changed my mind, and changed them to the red, as shown on the right.
So you can see it's going to take me twice as long to make it this way, and I'm going to end up with a few orphan blocks!!
A close up of the fabrics —
I've sewn the centre blocks together into rows, just to keep them together even though we were told not to do that until the end!

They all said it was a matter of 'when' and not 'if' and now, after nearly 18 months out of Level 4 lockdown, and a long time of relative freedom, New Zealand went back into L4 lockdown last week (11 days ago). Yes, Delta has arrived here. (Level 4 is the most restricted level in NZ and only essential services are allowed to operate.)
It seems that new cases are contained within Auckland and most of us were hoping for an ease in restrictions in yesterday's announcement. On Tuesday night most of the country goes into level 3 but Northland (where we live) unfortunately has been grouped together with Auckland and we must all stay in level 4 for longer.
Down on the farm, we've continued on as usual, when you have animals and are a primary industry, you can't just stop. So we've milked the cows and reared the calves and ventured out for click and collect farm supplies or groceries when necessary.
The big hassle for us though is that we were partway through a bathroom renovation when lockdown hit and the trades weren't allowed to come to work -  we were left with no shower!!
The MOML cleverly set us up an outdoor shower with a hose which goes through the window and onto the (hot) laundry taps. 
The things you can get away with in the country 😂 (not so good on a windy night!!).
Fortunately for us, getting a shower installed was finally considered essential enough to risk trades coming to our place. After three or four days of form signing and avoiding strangers in the hallway we no longer have to use the outdoor facilities! They only did the basics though so we still have more tradie-time to come, at some stage.

So the talk of lockdown leads me to another project to share with you. As a 'lockdown gift', The Country Yard has designed a free stitchery to help everyone keep out of mischief while staying at home.
Tonight I hope to trace it and start planning which threads I would like to use.
You can access the design *here* (Thank you Kerryn and Annalese!)

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Love the Laundry Basket mystery... She always does such lovely projects but not having a shower! That's serious stuff 😂

  2. I'm sorry you're in lockdown again. Does this mean your grandchildren can't come to visit? I can't wait to see your mystery quilt finish. I love this year's pattern and hope to make one also. Thanks for the link to the embroidery pattern, happy stitching!

  3. Your projects are lovely. Good to see the progress on the blocks.
    I am so pleased you could get your shower sorted out. No easy to do without that one.
    Yes, delta looks like the way we are all going to go unfortunately. Not sure how long all our lock downs will last and what will happen.
    Good luck.

  4. So much sewing to do. The outdoor shower was a good design. Better than nothing at all.

  5. You have been stitching some lovely projects. I think everyone is fatigued with the new Covid life. I can imagine it was a bit breezy in the outdoor facilities...reminds me of some of the amenities blocks we have experienced in our caravanning trips lol! Glad you have some semblance of facilities. Stay safe and well xx

  6. Your projects are looing lovely, especially the stitchery project.
    Thank you for sharing the freebie. It is a pretty design.
    Couldn't get away with an outdoor shower here. Too many neighbours and they're not calves. LOL

  7. Thank you for sharing the link to the free pattern. I think it´s time to do a little stitchery between all the cross stitch and knitting.
    We are nearly back to normal after several levels of lockdowns. Strange times, but everything will be good in the end. If its not good, its not the end :-/

    happy stitching and keep healthy


  8. The Tilda fabrics look great for your mystery....
    Your "Laundry Basket center is lovely..
    Good Idea for the shower. It's surprising what we can do when we have too.
    Pleased but that you can now shower indoors again.
    Cute stitchery ..

  9. love that first piece you are working on - that is so nice combining the embroidery and patchwork. That sounds like a mess about your shower and no workers coming for awhile - I hate cold showers!

  10. Thanks for the link to the stitchery. I have already finished a quilt, almost finished another, and am trying to resist squirrel urges in favour of finishing the gypsy wife quilt on my design wall.
    Long days here too. We are not dairy farmers, but surrounded by them, so milking gets us up early anyway. The workers have a certain tempo they use on the horn of the 4wd at 5am that is impossible to sleep through. On the other side we have sheep and beef, so, young lambs. Overhead, top dressers this week. All go in the country as you said. What has annoyed us is the steady trickle of cyclists breaking bubbles to come out our way. Men and their lycra!
    Looking forward to dropping down a level this week, for click and collect quilt supplies, and maybe a pizza.

  11. Loving those stars Raewyn. Yes there are advantages in not keeping up with a mystery. haha! Not really keen on mysteries, as I like to be in control of what I'm making. :))
    What a bugger about the work on the shower, but at least you can now have one inside. Yes, you can get away with alot when in the country. I know I can run along my deck half clothed ( if need be) and no-one can see me.
    It's starting to get serious at my closest supermarket. Running out of items, but more importantly not enough staff on.

  12. Gosh I love that Tilda with the sewing themed stitcheries Raewyn. Just gorgeous. Tilda always makes my heart skip a beat.❤ I did laugh at the outdoor shower but good on hubby for thinking of that. It would sure be better than No Shower. We were thinking of doing a big bathroom alteration before Christmas too but I'm thinking this might be a next years project. Thanks for the link to the stitchery - I will go download it now. Happy Weekend Raewyn. xx

  13. Love the stitchery blocks and the pieces blocks..... Yes lockdown or not the farm still needs to continue...... Which does give us some freedoms but also isolation as you see no one...... What a lovely stitchery from the shop.... I'm trying to print it down..... Goodluck in your lockdown. Ours continues until 10th SEP but I doubt it will change for us then.

  14. Raewyn - normally, I don't like really busy fabrics, but the contrast of the fabrics with the simple embroidery in your Memory Lane project is perfect. Well done to MOML for the outdoor shower - very creative! That free stitchery looks like something I would enjoy - I will check it out!

  15. Great layout for your red and white blocks Raewyn, and your stitcheries are cute. I have printed off the Country Yard stitchery, not to fit it in between hexies and other hand sewing! MOYL was very clever with the outdoor shower, thank goodness the trades could return and out your shower in. Hope the lkckdown eases for you soon.

  16. Your not so mystery quilt the colors are lovely and I think your idea sounds fabulous. Sorry about the new lock down. Great idea for a shower. When I was caring for Jeff's great aunt and uncle he built me a shower in our scary basement. The BOM with the stitching is so cute, especially with the Tilda fabric.

  17. Fabulous sewing.... lockdown gives you the perfect reason to get some sewing done.... I did laugh at your outdoor shower - and winter is not over yet completely!!! brrr. will go and look at the stitchery.... though I have enough distractions really.... keep well..xx

  18. Lockdowns have certainly given us all some challenges. Some lovely projects on the go. Love the stitcheries,as a non hand sewer, i appreciate the time it takes.

  19. Lots of fun with your "pretties". The problem with sitting on your hands so you don't join in is that you can only sit on your hands for so long, and then you need them. Then the trouble begins. :)
    Your Laundry Basket mystery is looking good to me, however you decide to sew it together. I haven't seen the reveal, so whatever you do will be good to me.
    We are in the country, but have neighbors too close to get away with the outdoor shower. Nice that your hubby could rig up something to make do until the trades could come again.
    That is a cute stitchery for lockdown stitching. Hope you get restrictions lifted soon!!

  20. Your post makes my life sound easy. I'm glad you got your indoor shower, though. Thank you for sharing the Country Yard stitchery.


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