
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Great excitement!

There is a new sewalong starting and I'm very excited about it!

Regular readers may remember that I love to test Juliet Tartankiwi's FPP patterns for her. When she sends a plea out to her group of regular testers, I very seldom say no, and manage to squeeze in the sewing, somehow. I think I enjoy the combination of making something I had no idea I wanted to make and the technical side of analysing a pattern, feeding back to her and so on.
And something I tested/sewed last month, is now in print and about to be launched as a new Sew-Along.
...........Introducing the Sleigh Ride Sew-Along!
Here are the two blocks I sewed up as a tester —
The reindeer —

And the sleigh —
Once I started sewing I wasn't sure about the background 'night sky' fabric I chose but it has grown on me and definitely gives a unique look!
The sewalong is focussing on making a table runner but, knowing me, I'll make mine a little bigger - and I'm hoping that by joining in with the sewalong I'll make some good progress!
(Oh and this pattern is definitely easier to sew than some of Juliet's patterns. They are all well designed and written but these particular ones are suitable for 'adventurous beginners' {to quote Juliet!})
Head over *here* to check out the details of the sewalong.
Which now gives me three Christmas projects I'd like to complete this year.
My Scrappy Christmas ornaments —
And The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me —
But who's counting........😂

In other exciting news, I made another star block for The Great Scrappy Star Adventure —

And my 'baby chickens' (hereinafter called The Pullets) have started laying - spot the (tiny) pullet egg in the photo above! They are now enjoying life as big chooks, with the same freedoms, and I am hoping for nests full of full-sized eggs pretty soon. At the moment they scatter all the nesting box hay around and generally create havoc but I continue to live in hope!

Great excitement but not of the positive type over the weekend. Recently, the MOML has been getting to the cowshed at 5am to discover lights not working or the pump running. We figured there were rats in the ceiling chewing wires so have been working to get rid of the rats, seal up all the little entrances that creatures find and to pin down our electrician  to come out to fix the wiring.
Saturday was the last straw, when the radio wouldn't work! Up came the roof to see what on earth was going on. Amidst a tangle of chewed wires was a big old possum. Obviously he'd been having a grand old party living in the roof and living off wiring - how he didn't cause a fire, we don't know, so we feel very lucky. It took seven calls to get an afterhours electrician, but we were up and running by afternoon milking time again!
Roofing iron off
Look how chewed the wires were - so lucky we didn't have a fire!
The area is well sealed now, I think that even a slug would have trouble getting in!

Anyway, cows and calves are calling!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Looks like a fun SAL for you and EPPing folk…
    Your scrappy Christmas ornaments look great ,as does the other Christmas one.
    Another nice scrappy star ⭐️.
    Glad you got the electrician to came in time for your milking.
    OMG 😱 those rats and possum sure have a good old time chewing the wire.
    Really lucky there wasn’t a fire 🔥. Wonder they weren’t electrocuted!

  2. Love all your Christmas goodness in this post! Sounds like a fun SAL! Oh my, glad you got the wiring fixed, hope the pests stay away! xx

  3. glad the electrical problem didn't start a fire - I understand about those critter getting in roof space. Love all those Xmas quilts but especially the cute santa's

  4. A possum - good grief! Glad the problem has been taken care of without significant damage. I love the background you chose for your test blocks - better than a single solid!

  5. The SAL looks like fun and it would make a marvelous runner. Love your ornies you have been working on. Wow I didn't realize that possums would chew wires also. Glad you found the problem and it is getting fixed.

  6. Your SAL looks like loads of fun. Such detail in that reindeer and other blocks. Amazing. I look forward to seeing what you create in this fun event. Maybe you can share some tips along the way as I really am not all that confident with this technique. I've made a few house blocks and basic blocks, but nothing to this level of detail.

  7. Amazing blocks! I can't believe all the destruction one possum caused - glad you could get things sorted.

  8. Lots if neat blocks and projects on your table--
    those paper piece ones do look like an 'adventure' for sure, but you did a great job on them-
    and chewed wiring--yet--you are one lucky farmer not to have had a fire--glad it is all fixed and sealed up now--so you can concentrate on feeding calves and sewing!!
    luv, di

  9. Thank goodness it all happened before we got stuck in lockdown. I can only imagine what getting a sparky in level 4 would be like. Our latest possum gave itself away by raiding the compost heap. It liked tomatoes, and would leave the cores next to the compost pile. As we have a small bush patch, surrounded by dairy farms, we have a steady trickle of possums coming in, all year round, and they all seem to like tomatoes.
    I love your Christmas quilts. I guess you will have a bit of time to work on them over the next few days, as long as you don’t have a rush of calves arriving.

  10. How exciting indeed. I look forward to watching you finish these wonderful blocks. Sorry for your electrical problem - it is a wonder he didn't fry! We love the possums here because they eat so many ticks which have become a real problem of late. Hopefully he moved on to greener pastures where there are no wires!

  11. love all the Christmas quilts.... a wonderful assortment. Very lucky no fire there - one wonders why electrical wire is tasty?

  12. I always love seeing the pullet eggs. It seems like they always produce so many double yolkers too. Your Christmas quilts are wonderful. I'll be looking forward to seeing your SAL progress. You are so fortunate that you did not have a fire. I understand that they are after the coating on the wires. There is a repellent here to spray on the wires to stop them from tasting so good. Sounds like you have the problem solved now though. Thank goodness!

  13. I've heard of rats and mice chewing wires but would never thought of possums, guess hubby might have to go out spotlighting with his rifle one night. Love your Christmas projects, be lovely if you could complete one or two this year. But I cant talk I've got a Christmas project which has been hiding in a bag here for several years. And I always tell myself it's almost finished, so just get on with it!

  14. Love your star blocks Raewyn. Stars have always been my most favourite block. Lucky no real damage from the possum, just a real nuisance!

  15. Boy that possum took liberties!! You certainly need the electricity in the shed there. I had a giggle over the radio not working being the last straw!! Your FPP is gorgeous and your Christmas projects wonderful. Love the star. Good to see the young girls have moved along into the big chook house.

  16. You have some lovely plans with your Christmas sewing. The test panels are lovely!
    Good to see the chickens laying.
    And I am pleased you sorted out the possum and the wiring. I have far too many memories of possums in the roof from previous homes.

  17. Raewyn - our temperatures have dropped dramatically in the last few days, and I have found myself daring to think (a little) about the holidays! Your projects have added to the mood! Glad you were able to find your electrical problem ... it never ceases to amaze me what critters will chew on! Couldn't that possum find more tasty morsels on a FARM?

  18. looks like you are going to be all set for Christmas with your festive projects, they are gorgeous.


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