
Monday, August 9, 2021

A squirrel's visit

Back in May I had a squirrel come and visit. (Who said there are no squirrels in New Zealand?!) It whispered in my ear and told me that the Laundry Basket's 2021 mystery QAL would be a fun project to start.
I'd nearly succumbed to squirrel pressure in April and even bought the background fabric for Sandra's QAL, Follow Your Own Path. However life had got in the way and I didn't get much further.
This time though I was egged on by Joanne, who was also being attacked by a (the same?) squirrel, and together, we started.
Joanne kept up with the daily blocks but I got behind. Until recently. The other day I found and actually opened the box the project was stored in - glee!!
This was my fabric selection, they are mostly Laundry Basket fabrics with a few extras thrown in —
The blocks are all straight forward to make, so once you decide which fabrics you are using in the block, they go together fairly quickly.
Here's Block One —
And Block Two —
About that time my machine went off for its annual service and I slowed down a little. I used another machine but it doesn't have a ¼" foot.  I was able to make half square triangles as I could sew on the drawn lines so I skipped to Block Four —
I cut a few blocks and put them into bags. Which was just as well as here I am two months later trying to remember what my great ideas re fabric placement etc were!!!
Yesterday I got the Block 3s sewn up —
I think there are 11 block patterns so I'll just potter along with these as time permits.

I showed you the newly finished cardigan for Lily in my last post. I'm happy to report that she loves it and had to wear it to playcentre this morning. (ED was a bit concerned that it was a bit 'good' for playcentre but I'm happy for it to be worn) —
The family has recently been on holiday and here is the bag I made them in use at the airport, cool huh? —

For those of you who have previously received my blogposts via the feedburner service, which is being discontinued, I have now changed to using the service. You should receive an email inviting you to register with them. They were very helpful in helping me change over. There are several different formats in which you can receive mailings from them, all you need to do is tick various boxes.  

'til next time,
happy stitches, 


  1. I was tempted by Edyta's sew along too. I downloaded the patterns, maybe this winter I'll jump in. It's nice to see the items we make for family used. I love the color of the sweater. Happy stitching!

  2. Looks like you’re getting a move on with your mystery blocks with the fabrics that were hiding in the box….
    Cardi looks lovely on Lily….
    Great to see the family using that great bag.

  3. Really like the pink cardigan for lily.

  4. Love your mystery blocks Raewyn, plus all your lovely stars in previous posts. Can you please tell me the name of the pattern of the gorgeous wee cardi you made for Lily. I am starting to knit for my two wee great grand babies, both girls.

  5. Lovely progress Raewyn. Looks like the cardy is a favourite xx

  6. lots of progress on your quilt.... it looks a fun one to do. Lovely little cardigan and fun to see it in use!

  7. Your blocks are coming along beautifully! Lily looks so sweet in the sweater too.

  8. Lovely fabrics for your new project and great to see your bag in use. xx

  9. I was very tempted by the Laundry Baskets sew along. Then my own squirrel came along. LOL
    Have fun with your project.
    Thank you for providing your follow it link. I've finally added one to my blog. LOL

  10. Squirrels seem to be everywhere the last few months! Your blocks are growing and looking good, good to see the cardy being used and the travel bag.

  11. Raewyn - lovely fabrics!!! And the cardigan should be worn as much as possible - kids grow SO FAST!

  12. Good to see the cardigan being used, they grow so fast. I check into your blog from my sidebar, and don't use email service.

  13. I think your blocks are a lovely distraction. Great fabric selection, too.
    The cardi looks gorgeous on your grandie. It makes it extra special when they enjoy wearing what you make.

  14. I'm so happy to hear your squirrel told you that you needed to join this mystery QAL. Perfect colors for you too! What fun. And I absolutely love the travel bag you made for your kids. Lovely. I've been wanting to make such a bag for a very long time. BTW - My squirrel and your squirrel want to party late September (or early October). I'll be sending out an email in a few weeks with more info. Your squirrel friend really did a good job picking this project out for you to enjoy.

  15. How cute she looks in her little sweater. Of course, it should be worn and worn out! Your mystery blocks look great in the reds and whites. How nice you figured out a way to keep going with your back up machine.


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