
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Chrissy pudding and baskets

I am making a little headway with The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me, a block of the month by Anni Downs.
I recently got block five finished —
and have sewn it to the previous block —
On Friday evening during Friday Night Sew In I continued on with block six. This is a small piece that will be appliqued to the rest of the block.
I finished all that I had prepped —
The photo below shows the final berries that needed sewing down; I've since done that so I can now start on the main part of the block.
But for the rest of the evening (and again on Saturday night) I pulled out a basket block to stitch.
Michelle shared this pattern with us during lockdown last year. Something to do to help prevent us all becoming basket cases (!). I was initially going to add a round of them to my lockdown quilt but I think I may be tempted to keep making them and create a whole quilt of them. They're a nice little block to do when you haven't got anything else close by, and a great use of scraps!
I'm not sure what's going to happen with my lockdown quilt....I may end up pulling it apart and doing other things with the blocks. That's something to think about on another day!
A big thank you to Wendy for hosting Friday Night Sew In again this month. And I'm sending hugs and Birthday wishes your way, Wendy, I hope your day was special.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I love the santa with such skinny legs :) I need to look over my projects and see what I have that might need to be started before Xmas season is upon us again.

  2. You are doing really well with all the funky blocks for your BOM project..
    Sweet baskets too.

  3. Beautiful stitchery. Going to be adorable when finished and a very special decoration at Christmas. The cat and bird with Santa hats on just look so fun, but it is all lovely and you are doing a great job.

  4. Your Chrissy pudding is so cute. That will be a great quilt! The little baskets are super sweet too. Good idea to do an entire quilt with them.

  5. Gosh that Anni Downs block of the month is just gorgeous Raewyn. I love the wool felt colours in it. Does it make up into a quilt or a wallhanging? Your baskets are really sweet too. 😊

  6. I love your Christmas quilt in the wools.... looks just gorgeous. Your baskets are lovely and I do enjoy a quilt made with repeat blocks...

  7. Your stitching is always so nice. Your quilt is coming along. Also love your little baskets.

  8. Your Christmaz quilt is coming along really well Raewyn, when I read the title of this post I thought you were making your Christmas puddings!!!!! Woo hoo super organised, but no I got ahead of myself 😄😄. Your baskets are lovely, every time I see them I am tempted, just tempted.

  9. Your Christmas blocks are beautiful Raewyn. xx

  10. Your BOM is really fun, Raewyn! So many clever little touches, it is a treat to see.
    Love the little baskets. Very cute!
    Why are you thinking of taking apart the lockdown quilt? Do you not like how it is turning out, or do you just not want a quilt that commemorates lockdown?

  11. Love the BOM! It's sooo cute! And your stitching is amazing! xx

  12. Raewyn - every time you show us the progress on The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me, I get wowed all over again. The design is so precious, so adorable - why, there just aren't enough words to describe it! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Good to see you jumping in with your stitching. Loving the progress on the Santa blocks.


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