
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

End of the month again!

May turned into another of those months where I didn't get as much sewing done as I hoped I might.
The kiddos have all been here regularly and our house guests stayed for nearly three weeks - all good and no dramas but life gets a little out of routine at times :-)
However looking back through my photos, I see I did achieve a little. 
I made another Pathfinder vest. This one was for Odie and was made using more of the old oilskin I have been cutting up one project at a time.
And a brushed cotton lining.
I decided to use the sewn back seam of the original coat (because it looks cool!) but it meant I couldn't avoid a wee hole there. A simple patch job —
which adds to the authenticity, I think —
The button loops were actually cut from narrow straps already on the coat - a little less sewing for me!
Below, being modelled by the young Sir —
And speaking of Pathfinder vests, we had a Gruffalo feeding the chickens the other day —
A fun, versatile pattern.

I did some pattern testing for Juliet of Tartankiwi earlier on. Now that she is releasing the pattern, I can share some photos.
This is a rather clever design and Juliet has got lots of ideas on how to use it.
I enjoyed sewing up these blocks for her and would like to carry on and make some more, using different colours. Visit Juliet *here* to see more.
The photos are either too dark shade or too bright sunshine, sorry!
The one below is a better representation of the colours —
(They aren't as tricky to sew as they look - and Juliet's instructions are always Very Good.)

Deanna and I have challenged each other to make 4 Omigosh! blocks a month. Some months I cruise in but yesterday I had to spend a morning catching up in order to meet the goal!
Each month as I bag them up, I add to the running tally. I'm now very close to halfway with the blocks. It has taken me a couple of years to get this far so this is definitely one of those longterm projects!
And I think I may need to start a new bag - that's a good sign of progress :-)

It's really feeling like winter is sneaking up on us now. We usually try to (stubbornly) hold out till June 1st before we light the fire but we started early this year. With a youngster staying with us, and all the others coming and going, taking the chill off the house won over silly ideas that it doesn't get cold enough till June 1st!
The other day Xavier helped me get the firewood in —
Don't you just love his efforts!!!!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I like that pathfinder vest. That would suit any age!

  2. That is a great vest Raewyn, can't believe Odie is up and walking already!! Such a cute Gruffalo feeding the chooks, that last photo is just gorgeous, your little helper. Interesting how we set dates, Labour Weekend used to be when we changed to summer uniform and started swimming for the summer!! Your block collection is growing well.

  3. what a cute vest - do you find that fabric hard to sew though I have never used anything like it. Here too some people will be stubborn about when to start using heat in the house or A/C for summer. I just use it when needed I like to be comfy! Love the OMG blocks

  4. Those vests are adorable--or maybe it is the kiddos that are adorable. Either way, I really like the vests.
    I have done enough foundation piecing to realize I could do those scissors with good instructions, but they are still pretty amazing in appearance. Juliet's patterns always leave me in awe.
    Congrats on almost being to the halfway mark with Omigosh. It may take a long time to pull this together, just doing a little at a time, but it is getting done--and it will be so worth it!
    Had to chuckle at your statement "It doesn't get cold enough till June 1st." Around here it is October 31st that seems to be hubby's set date for it to be cold enough to fire up the boiler. Some years he just has to bite the bullet and give me some heat a little earlier, but it is always hard for him to cave in to the need.
    LOL How would you ever have had enough fuel without Xavier's help???

  5. Oh my what a big helper--and I am betting he loved helping!!
    Nice little jacket too--
    and those scissor blocks do look like a fun sew!
    and it's always great to work on a long term project a bit at a time--so keep it going --!!
    May you get some rest this month--keep warm--
    hugs, di

  6. Is there anything that you can not do? You amaze me sweet friend.

  7. love the vests.......
    your getting thru those blocks......

  8. I love how you use up the oilskin .... wonderful makes.... your omigosh is terrific and I think I want to do it too!! hmmmmmm as you say a good way to use up the scraps - have yours diminished?????? I think the cold nights did come earlier this year - we have also been having the fire on...

  9. Love the Pathfinder vests you’ve made from the oilskin...
    hmmm ! You say the scissors blocks aren’t hard but they look challenging to me. Great finish.
    Well done with your OMG blocks....
    You have such cute helpers both with the chooks and wood....

  10. Isn't it amazing how life just gets so busy? Love your Pathfinder vests for the littles, he looks like he is helping. Your Omigosh blocks are coming along, and love teh scissors you tested. LOL you trying to avoid turning the heat on. We had a couple of very hot days, then I had to turn the heat on because my house was so cold the dog was miserable. And it is still cold and rainy.

  11. Those vests are going to be great in the cooler months. Good to see them getting a good work out.
    The scissor blocks for pattern testing look great. Fascinating to see how they go together.
    Love seeing your wood gatherers.

  12. That's a mighty fine helper you have there! :-)
    Omigosh blocks are looking great.... it's going to be amazing!

  13. Wow, those scissor blocks are amazing! They look hard... :) Love to see your little ones around the farm, they are so cute! xx

  14. I love the scissors blocks! Does life ever really have a normal with little ones in and out so often. That was certainly a lot of wood help! 🤣

  15. Your Anni Downs blocks are so wonderful. And your blocks here in this post too and that I'm impressed. You are a busy bee. How nice to have a sweet little helper with the wood.

  16. Lots of projects on the go, and i just love your little wood helper!


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