
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Catch up time

Gosh it seems like I've been trying to write this blog post since whenever - it was supposed to be written in time to link up with Patty's end-of-April OMG line-up - it wasn't. Then I was hoping to link up with the May set-a-gaol for the month link-up and still it didn't happen!
Never mind, today the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th hopefully, is the day that I will get this post up and return to blogland!!!
(Yes, this is about the 4th intro paragraph I have written for this post, over the last few weeks!).
Last month I had hoped to get a toddler quilt together for my great-nephew. 
While I had made some great progress, two Gruffalos got in the way!
More recently helping some extended family has taken up our time.

This is what I had started with. Blocks left over from another quilt.
I spent several days making the letter blocks.
Give me an M —
Give me an A —
— and so on —
I made the letters using Improvisational piecing, as outlined by Sarah Fielke in a Quilters Companion DVD I received several years ago. It was quite fun but the 'S' was a bit of a challenge!!

And here they are sewn together —

As for the other blocks for the quilt, I added strips around the edges to build the size up a little. I had imagined a lot more scrappiness but soon realised I was happier with single and wider strips on each edge, rather than lots of skinnier ones. There was not a lot of measuring and calculating, I used what I had and what fitted. And then I trimmed the blocks as necessary so that I could join them together.
The trucks and tractor needed wheels. Fusible web and blanket stitch. I had forgotten how slow it is to do the tractor tyres with all that knobbly tread!
A bit more piecing —
and finally a quilt top —
This has ended up approximately single bed size, so is a bit bigger than I thought it was going to be. I'm pleased, however, because the young fellow will be 3 this year so it should be a perfect fit!
(NOTE to self... if you take too long to put together a baby quilt, you have to make it into a much bigger toddler quilt - how about that for motivation for getting them done while the child is still very young!)
I really would like to get this quilted this month and will go for something simple and all over. We have a full house for now and the foreseeable future so I'll just have to see how it goes!

And I do have a little more sewing to report but I won't push my luck too much and will save that for future posts.
As an aside though, I have another batch of wee chickens to rear (they were about a week old when I got them). The kiddies had a nice time meeting them the other day. 
I thought this photo was pretty cute —

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. The quilt turned out so cute! I like the look of the name. I don't think my letters would ever turn out looking so good.
    That last photo is so cute. Reminds me of the days on my grandpa's farm when he had batches of new chicks under heat lamps in a pen in the quonset hut where he stored his grain. I loved going in to visit them and pet them.

  2. What a great finish your quilt top is - lovely and cheerful for the little man. Gorgeous chicken picture. xx

  3. You’ve done a fabulous job of making Masen’s quilt.....
    love the photo of your cute grandie with the chick....
    Do hope you have a little me time at this busy time. 🤗

  4. Your quilt turned out lovely. Awe the chicks....mine got moved to the big hen house,and the big hens were moved to the old carriage house. The problem is the moment the door is opened to the big hen house, the little ones rush out and the big ones rush in, and they are too small to be integrated yet.

  5. I like the little boy quilt it turned out so well! nice bright colors the child will love - I heard of one quilter who started to make a quilt for her nephew and ended up giving the finished quilt to that nephews child - yes it took her over 20 years to finish it - LOL - it is the thought that counts right :) you finished well before that happened.

  6. A lovely quilt for the young man!

  7. Masen’s quilt turned out so cute. Yes, those tires would take time with all those twists and turns. I find improv always takes me longer too. Darling photo of the chick and little one too!

  8. I feel so left out--everyone is getting baby chicks but me----booo---
    your Masen quilt is coming along so nicely--great job!
    luv, di

  9. Raewyn - I say, if it is family "getting in the way", then family trumps over other projects every time! I laughed about the motivation to get a quilt done when the baby is small, or it becomes a bigger project!

  10. The quilt is great.... much more useful size if you wait till they are older... the lettering looks really good too

  11. Your talents never stops amazing me. If you can dream it, you can make it, your so smart :)

  12. Beautiful quilt and a perfect size for the age now. Life sounds busy for you once again. That is such a cute chicken photo, good luck with the raising.

  13. That’s so cute with the chicken. I am at my brothers and there are 7 chicks following the Mum around.

  14. Great work on your quilt for Masen.
    Looks like it is a good thing to have it turn out larger than planned.
    And the chicken photo is really cute.

  15. Masen’s quilt top looks so fun for a young fellow. This size will actually be a lot more practical. Yes, that is a cute chicken holding photo.

  16. Masens quilt is just perfect for a little boy, and i know just how easy it is to get behind with blogs

  17. I love how you turned those orphan blocks into a fantastic quilt! The free form letters look challenging to make (I don't do freeform very well!) but they pair perfectly with the blocks.

  18. Oh yes... great use of orphan blocks. And I agree - the wider strips add a touch of fun without being too crazy. Roll on quilting!!


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