
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Autumn down on the farm

A few cooler mornings recently reinforce that Autumn is well and truly here. Late summer and autumn is my favourite time of the year, not just because of the cooling temperatures but because of what is going on in the garden and orchard. Here's a collection of photos from recent times —      
We've had a fabulous number of Monarch butterflies this summer. Flocks of them fluttering amongst the greenery is not uncommon.
And of course plenty of the beautiful caterpillars. I've had lots of seedling swan plants grow. The plant below was in an area by itself, well away from the rest of them so once this caterpillar had finished its meal I had to move him across the garden to the 'main feed area'!
Autumn is all about fruit. The feijoas are doing well.
Eight trees is possibly a few too many. I love for the kiddies to become gatherers, collecting up plenty to take home.
The photo below isn't the best but I liked it as the kiddies are absolutely scoffing their hearts out!
Excess feijoas going into cakes —
Baked —
And a batch of feijoa and apple chutney —

The peaches were also enjoyed —
Sweet and juicy.
'NZ Cranberry' aka the Chilean Guava, nothing like the traditional cranberry. These always remind me of Dad who planted them along one side of the house and their sweet unique scent used to fill the bedroom. The kiddies have discovered these too and enjoyed them; they have a very unique flavour.

The grapes were extra sweet this year —

You cant have late summer photos without the odd cicada shell thrown in!
Last weekend we had the two older grandie-girls staying. They spent some time with the next door younger grandies on Saturday and before we knew it a bike-picnic event for Sunday had been planned.
So Sunday morning there was a bit of baking —
And decorating —
And late morning the 'bikie family' turned up. 

Riding around the front paddock —

A picnic stop on the big tip trailer —
A little more riding —
Then time to go home —
A 'down on the farm' post needs a few animals.
The weaner calves out the back —
And the herd on the back hills, an early morning walk trying to catch a sunrise.
I promise the next post will be quilty related, but I had to get these photos out of my system!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Lovely to see all those non-quilty things!!
    Odd to realise that you are heading for Autumn as we head to Spring.
    The Northland Tour has just finishe.. memories of two years ago with the fog on the stage from Dargaville to Whangarei...the riders finding calf evidence on the back road (!) And the rest of us in the baggage train having to take the main road slowly hoping that we would arrive before the riders!!

  2. Really enjoyed all your photos as I miss your daily photos posts.....
    Cute photos of all the granddies eating the lovely fruit, baking and riding.....

  3. always odd to think of cool weather coming your way as warm weather heads ours. So much fruit - it is always so nice to be able to just pick it and eat! A picnic sounds wonderful and looks like the kids did a fabulous job baking and decorating.

  4. What a wonderful day that must have been! Our grandies were all living here back in the fall riding their bikes and the gator and now some are big enough to drive the golf cart. We are just heading into spring with our first spring thunderstorm which warms up the frozen ground and awakens the spring flowers. Mud everywhere.

  5. Thank you Raewyn for the very happy and big smile you gave to me this gloomy morning, while I was reading your blog. What a delightful post. I love all your photos, but your grandkids eating fresh fruit from the vine (or bush) just brought back so many childhood memories. I remember doing the same as a child, on my grandparents farm. Yummy and so much fun. Delightful to see your butterflies and caterpillars too. You really do have quite a few of them.

  6. You have been industrious! It all looks lovely :-) I have never heard of feijoas, well, live and learn!
    We just can't wait for our spring to start properly, soon.....

  7. Good morning, your post had me smiling-I love butterflies, and after a hot summer I love autumn which is really my favorite season. here we are slowly getting into spring although still pretty chilly. your foods look delicious

  8. My goodness, what a fun post! I smiled all through it. What better way to feel alive and energized that spending a day playing with children. Their joy is contagious.
    Thanks for sharing.
    God bless you and your family,
    Connie :)

  9. And a great way to get those 'photos' out of your system --by sharing them with us!!! Thanks--
    my favorite is the little grand with the fruit have eaten in her mouth--she has such a look of delight on her face--and the cow scene at the end with the pretty sky behind them was neat too!!

    luv, di

  10. Fun post.. those grandies are having wonderful times....

  11. Wonderful post Raewyn, so good to see the grandchildren enjoying the fruit, and having fun in the farm,the bike picnic was a great idea. Always enjoy seeing farm photos.

  12. Oh, such fun, Raewyn! I loved seeing the grands having fun at grandma's. The fruits look delicious!
    And I enjoyed seeing the monarchs. When we first built our home there were monarch caterpillars on the milkweed late summer, early fall, and the butterflies followed afterward. But for many years now we just haven't had them anymore. I think it is very sad.

  13. Wow so many great farm pictures and the picnic is a fabulous idea. You are cooling down and we are kind of warming up here. Tonight the kids, grandkids and myself had a bonfire and sat around chatting and laughing, in the rain. LOL

  14. I love looking at your wonderful farm photos, especially while we are patiently awaiting the arrival of Spring! I was so happy to see the photos of the Monarchs. We have not had many over the past few years.

  15. Such fun family times at the farm! Love the photos of the kids gobbling up the fruit.

  16. A very busy time. Love seeing all the plants, fruit and critters. The peaches look especially delicious.
    I love seeing all the fun the grandies are having, especially their picnic.

  17. It’s so nice to see the kids enjoying the harvests. Our monarchs have been particularly busy this year too. It’s really early for us to have so many.

  18. Raewyn - where to start? Loved this post from pillar to post! Beautiful monarchs. Kids in the garden - brought back memories of the harvests we used to do as kids! And the cicada - can't recall how many of those I saw as a kid!

  19. What a breath of fresh air, sun, juicy fruits, yummy baking and nature shots, ahhhh! Thank you for all these wonderful shots of your life. Never apologize for not having quilt posts!!

  20. Autumn is a beautiful time, isn’t it. You and the grandies have certainly been making the most of it. So much yummy produce and fun being had.

  21. Such a delicious harvest!
    Love seeing your grandies enjoying the spoils

  22. days like this are always such fun on the farm...........


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