
Thursday, April 1, 2021

End Of March in April

Oops, my final post for March has become my first post for April! A bit of childminding lately and a last minute dinner invite at ED's last night means the month finished before I was ready for it!
Never mind, here I am :-)
Katems, who is still living here at the house (after living in a farm shed for at least 9 years) celebrated her 18th birthday recently in a basket under my scrappy Christmas blocks.
My One Monthly Goal for March was to complete the rest of the blocks for my scrappy Christmas Ornament quilt...and guess what, I actually did it!
I know 12 more blocks wasn't a major ask but I wasn't sure what I would be able to fit in, and when.
As it turned out I was super-motivated to sew these blocks and an afternoon spent planning and cutting for the month soon resulted in all the blocks made!
The last block. The cute fabric in the centre is one I found in amongst a whole lot of fabric I brought home from Mum's when she moved. She used it to make Christmas stockings for her grandies when they were little. So it's been around a while —
Here are all the ornament blocks for the quilt —
And here they are with the random tree block I made in my 31 days of blocks back in December (when this madness started). As I don't want to have to start another quilt to use the tree block, it is going into this one!
I completed the blocks several weeks ago and I thought I may have got a bit of joining started but I only got as far as laying them out on the spare bed. They still need a bit of rearranging —
Thank you Patty for hosting One Monthly Goal. I'm pleased I was able to join in at both ends of the month!

My evening stitching time has been limited for some reason, but last night I put the final stitch in block four of The Santa, The Tree, The Turkey and Me (by Anni Downs). Block Five is already here so that will be be pulled out soon....
Please excuse the blatant lack of pressing before I took these photos!
In other news, I have made a few more star blocks for the Scrappy Star Adventure at work.

I competed some more 9-patch and churn dash blocks for my Omigosh! quilt this month —
And I nearly forgot about these two which were hidden under a pile on the ironing board - one more for my Omigosh! and one more basket block for my lockdown quilt —
All in all, 29 blocks made in March. That will boost my tally for the 350 blocks project - in fact it will more than double my tally so that's exciting :-)

A couple more photos; following on from my last post showing our autumn bounty, I just have to share this photo of young Xavier, grapes in one hand, feijoa in the other - Life is Bliss!
Earlier in the day; what is it about small children and puddles?! —
And another day, the MOML got a bit ambitious on the quad and needed my help with the winch to help him get unstuck (big boys and puddles) —

'til next time,
Happy Easter! 
and happy stitches,


  1. The Christmas ornament quilt looks like a fun quilt. I'm interested in how the pine tree is going to fit in there, happy stitching!

  2. every time one of you bring out your OMG blocks it reminds me I should get back to work on Afternoon Delight by Sue Garman -

  3. Lucky Christmas 🎄 Tree having so many ornaments hanging around.....
    Well done working on all your blocks...
    oh yes there is a secret attraction to puddles for both big and small boys....
    With my hubby it’s sand, often gets bogged on either quad or four wheel drive....

  4. 29 blocks for March, that's a wonderful tally. As always, love the grandies pictures!

  5. you have done well with little blocks with lots of pieces... the ornaments ones are just lovely all together and I still am in love with your tiny teeny ones....
    Lovely to have the mud to play in....
    Have a Happy Easter


  6. Oh wow, you've gotten a lot done! I bet those ornaments were fun and I can't wait to see the finish, AND the finish on the Omigosh--I love seeing those around blogland. (Gonna have to make one myself!)

  7. Ice job on your goals! They look beautiful too. Love those Churn Dash blocks. Cute pics of the little ones too.

  8. At that age your Katems has earns a cosy place inside!
    What a lovely cat.
    Love all your ornaments they look fantastic.
    Gorgeous omigosh blocks too.

  9. Love those bauble blocks and your Omigosh blocks, you have been busy.

  10. Raewyn - love the Santa block. And I laughed at the boys having to be pulled out the puddle!!! Boys and their toys!!! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. The scrappy ornaments look great. That is going to be a lovely quilt. And well done with all the other projects on the go. You have managed quite a lot in a very busy time..

  12. Congratulations on finishing the Xmas blocks. They look great.

  13. Looks like a busy month to me Raewyn! The Christmas ornament blocks are going to make a gorgeous quilt. xx

  14. Good to hear Katems is still happy inside, 18 is a good age. Your decoration blocks are wonderful, well done on getting them all finished. You have made lots of beautiful blocks this month. Ah yes, boys and puddles...what can we say!!

  15. a busy month - I do love the ornaments...looking forward to seeing that come together.

  16. heaps of blocks made.....they look good all laid out.........

  17. I really like how the ornament quilt is looking, can't see any need for reorganization but I know how that feels... sometimes you just need to move that one block. Do you have a vision for the star adventure quilt... or are you just going to go with the flow and see how it turns out?

  18. Love your ornament blocks and other scrappy blocks. Senior kitties are so special. We have had many cats live into their late teens over the years and I know how they learn to understand the human language. I had one that "talked" to me. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind word today ... :) Pat

  19. Your ornament blocks look fantastic, they will make a stunning quilt.


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