It feels a little late in the year for saying Happy New Year but here we are, 11 days into it and this is my first post - I hope your year has got off to a great start ♥
Ours is charging ahead at an amazing rate of speed... in these lazy hazy crazy days of summer we are thinking, talking and breathing weddings! In less than two weeks we will be celebrating the marriage of our YD.
Many of you who know me well will know that I dive off in different directions with my sewing - I love exploring ideas and learning skills. So I'm not going to say I'm not starting anything new until my ufos are done and my flimsies are quilted.
HOWEVER there will be a goal or focus in mind when I sign up and join in - I do want to use my scraps (I am a hopeless scrap magnet; I can spot them at 20 metres), practise skills and move towards clearing out some ufos or flimsies.

An aside but related —
Last year I decided to take this thought of the Grinch's literally and challenged myself to put a little homemade love into all my giftgiving for 2014 birthdays. If you look *here* you'll see I came up with a variety of handmade goodies for various friends and family (Not everything shown on that page was a gift and there was baking and other non-sewn handmade gifts too).
While I really enjoyed making them all, by about October I ran out of steam and was feeling the pressure. I then realised this goal was at the expense of my other loves in my sewing and quiltmaking world.
{The vege garden looks terribly overgrown - which it is, but not with weeds; I have tomato and cucumber plants having fun and games in there.}
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Thank you for visiting and happy creating,
Ours is charging ahead at an amazing rate of speed... in these lazy hazy crazy days of summer we are thinking, talking and breathing weddings! In less than two weeks we will be celebrating the marriage of our YD.
— these are the only pre-wedding photos I will share for now —
There's been little time for sewing and making New Year's resolutions....
I have managed two little dresses —
Oops maybe this is another pre-wedding photo! |
— and I found myself hemming 8 pairs of trousers for a neighbour who realised I'm a sewer and she doesn't have to put up with over long trousers any more....!
Chain sewing, using my rotary cutter and my clover clips all helped me get through this totally un quilt related task! |
As a bit of a sanity saver, I've used a quiet moment to sew up a couple of these blocks —
Sometimes a girl just has to sew quilty stuff. |
In other quiet moments I've done a little thinking.....I've read and enjoyed many of your posts about resolutions and goals for the year, which of course got me thinking, what are mine...?Many of you who know me well will know that I dive off in different directions with my sewing - I love exploring ideas and learning skills. So I'm not going to say I'm not starting anything new until my ufos are done and my flimsies are quilted.
You and I know that that. is. not. going. to. happen.
I will unashamedly take part in sewalongs, link ups and projects because being inspired by you all and socialising while I do it is what I love about blogland. I have discovered a whole new world and made awesome friendships while doing all this in the past so why stop now?!HOWEVER there will be a goal or focus in mind when I sign up and join in - I do want to use my scraps (I am a hopeless scrap magnet; I can spot them at 20 metres), practise skills and move towards clearing out some ufos or flimsies.

An aside but related —
Last year I decided to take this thought of the Grinch's literally and challenged myself to put a little homemade love into all my giftgiving for 2014 birthdays. If you look *here* you'll see I came up with a variety of handmade goodies for various friends and family (Not everything shown on that page was a gift and there was baking and other non-sewn handmade gifts too).
While I really enjoyed making them all, by about October I ran out of steam and was feeling the pressure. I then realised this goal was at the expense of my other loves in my sewing and quiltmaking world.
Just before I sign off and get back to looking at wedding task lists, I want to share with you the beautiful day we are having today! This is the scene from The Palace window. I just love looking out and seeing what's happening in my world.{The vege garden looks terribly overgrown - which it is, but not with weeds; I have tomato and cucumber plants having fun and games in there.}
It's now far too hot to be out there, I'm happily enjoying it from inside. |
Thank you for visiting and happy creating,