
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Favourite little quilt

Don't you just love how one blog leads you to another which leads you to another which...and so on.... today Doniene's latest post led me to Taryn's blog called Repro Quilt Love  - which looks like it will be one I will visit often. And leaping in feet first, I decided to join in with Taryn's Online Quilt Show; where we share a favourite mini or doll quilt.
Regular followers will know that I have had a bit of mini thing happening this year so I've shown those in various stages of construction quite recently. However, another favourite (which I have shown a while ago)  is this little one that greets me every time I come up the stairs into the main part of the house.
 The stitchery is a Gail Pan design from Australian Homespun magazine number 58.   It sat waiting for inspiration until I found the 2 1/2 inch squares to put around the border.
It is very simply finished with a bit of invisible fine (machine) quilting around the stitchery and a faux hand-quilting stitch in the border.
Thanks for inviting us to the Quilt Show, Taryn. To see all the quilts on show, visit her blog here.
Thank-you for visiting, happy creating,


  1. I love that little cutie and the way you´ve displayed it :-)
    happy quilting

  2. Oh Raewyn, this little quilt is so cute. Lovely.

  3. Love, love!! The wee quilt, the machine & the colour on the wall!

  4. Gorgeous little stitchery quilt!

  5. Very, very sweet little sampler. The pieced border sets it off perfectly.

  6. Such a sweet little quilt. Just lovely.

  7. I think that would be a favorite of mine too , it is adorable and the faux hand quilting looks really great !

  8. I love this little quilt!!! Your handwork is just beautiful and I agree with Janet (which I find that we almost always like the same thing!! lol) the little colorful squares around the border are delightful!! Glad you joined in!!

    Have a great day!

  9. Love your mini quilt Raewyn. The stitching is so perfect and the pieced borders are perfect for it. Thanks for the link to more pretty little quilts. I'm working my way through them... fun.
    Oh... and I love the colour of your wall too.

  10. What a pretty little quilt. Love the gorgeous stitchery.....

  11. What a lovely little quilt, I can imagian why it is a favorite of you. Love the squairs around it, tto, it needs no more than that. Nice display!
    Have a nice day, Cisca

  12. A darling mini! Very nice embroidery and the scrappy square border just sets it off! So cute! Isn't it fun to see what everyone has shared?

  13. Hey makes me want to get on and finish the same sampler which I started a long time ago!! Looks great and I love the sewing machine...xxxx

  14. very sweet. I entered a quilt too.

  15. what a sweet little quilt! Love that it combines a sampler with patchwork.

  16. Previous little quilt - love the tiny stitchery & the way you bordered it. What a sweet greeting each time you climb the stairs too. We need those special touches in our homes.

  17. Oops! Can't type this morning - meant to say "precious" little quilt:o)

  18. What a gorgeous little quilt Raewyn, I do love Gail Pan's designs and you have made a lovely job of it.

  19. Raewyn, what a gorgeous little quilt, a perfect way to frame your delightful stitchery :)))

  20. Such a pretty quilt and lovely stitching! Love how you have it displayed.

  21. Such a sweet and cosy mini-quilt!



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