
Monday, November 19, 2012

Doggone - a finish

A little while ago I ran a series of 'skills' classes at my favourite quilt shop, The Country Yard. The classes covered stitchery, turned under (needleturn) appliqué, foundation paper piecing and english paper piecing.
Some participants came to all the classes and some just one or two. I devised the project/design below for them to do at home, if they wished to, to practise the skills we covered in class.
My project sat unfinished for a while - firstly, so that the class participants could look at the back of my work to see how I had done something, and then secondly, because I wasn't sure exactly how I wanted to finish it!
I finally decided it would make a perfect cushion, so being inspired, I forged ahead and got sewing. I challenged myself to have some skills practise of my own and had a play with my free motion quilting.
I added some texture to the border and tried to highlight the 
lovely round scallops. 
(English paper piecing class)
Dimension added to the centre panel with the sunflowers
(See how well the variegated thread worked on the centre of the sunflowers?)
The dog might be gone, but he left his bones behind!
I tried to balance the quilting after the 'heavy' border work with meandering
in the flying geese  border (foundation piecing class).
I used subtle quilting so my wonky stitches wouldn't show too much, and so as not to overshadow the initial class work. (Beige and white Mettler Seralene (120 wght) thread).
All in all nothing too earth shattering but a fun thing to do. Lots of practise playing and 'designing'. Nice to see that  practise does help my fmq skills and confidence grow!!
Edges bound and finished as if it were a quilt. I wanted the edging to frame the piece.
Just need to find a 20" inner now.
I played around with fabric for the back. (Having fun)
 At the recent Country Yard exhibition, I was delighted to see these three finished projects from the classes, all made into cushions.
Jan's Cushion
Barbara's one. She also made a second cushion using a slightly different centre block.
 Barb is very good at using up her scraps - these are leftovers
from her beginner's quilt classes last year!
Liz made hers into a cushion cover, also.
A nice display.
It's great to have another project ticked off my list of to-finish projects! (Maybe I can start something new now?....he he just kidding!!)
Have a lovely week everyone,
Happy creating,


  1. What a buzz it must be for you to see the cushions finished from the class. Wish I lived closer I'd come and play too!
    Love Leanne

  2. Your little cushion is adorable! It seems to have been a perfect class project with lots of different skills and techniques. The group of pillows is wonderful! Great teaching job!

  3. Great quilting Raewyn, you should be very happy with your progress. boy you sure challenged yourself , loved the bones!

  4. Congratulations on such a great finish , your cushion top is lovely as are all of those who took part in your class , you taught them well ;-)

  5. wonderful!! so nice to see your many talents all come together in one wonderful project!!! Great job!!

  6. The 20" inners are in my cupboard, by the dozen, Raewyn! Bit too far traveling to come and fetch them!
    Love your curves :>)


  7. what a cute little design. how fun to see the other ones finished too.

  8. Lovely Raewyn....your quilting is fantastic...

  9. You must be a good teacher and designer if your students finished their projects. Love how you quilted the daisies - echoed in the background. Always tempting to start a new project!

  10. Lovely cushions. I too have been practising my machine quilting. Not very good, but OK from a distance without my glasses on! :-)

  11. I think this is a very cute cushion--and you must be a good teacher. Your students did a great job, too.
    Nice FMQ work, Raewyn!

  12. It is so exciting to see how others stitch your design. The cushions look great as does your FMQ. Well done.

  13. I can see that your class was most inspiring as there are a few finished cushions there and all looking lovely. Great work Raewyn.

  14. Congratulations on doing such a great class. Love all the finishes that look great in all the different colours.I can't pick a favorite..

  15. WOW *sigh* oh how I so wish for more time in the day - these are such fabulous finishes

  16. Oh I just love all the quilting you have done on this, all of it enhances the the piecing and stitchery so beautifully! How fun to see completed projects of one of your classes :)

  17. Your quilt is most adorable!!!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit. I knew the first part about Prince Charles celebrating his 64th birthday, but didn't know about the second part. :) Thanks for that extra royal tidbit. :)

  18. Love your cushion and your quilting. Did you design the pattern? Clever you!

  19. What a lovely sunny project! All the cushions are wonderful!



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