
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Christmas Wreath

(Warning; Post is heavy with red and white photos!)
Who would have thought me capable of a second finish in a week?!!
Combine this -
-and this - 
And you get this!
The stitchery is a Rosalie Quinlan design which came pre-printed on linen. The finishing instructions say to stretch it over canvas (which would be nice) but I decided to border it with little stars instead.
[Click on the photos to see them better,if you like.]
The stars are 3" finished but weren't too painful to make!
I didn't get too fussy with my points either!
So much cute detail in the wreath. It was a joy to stitch.
I quilted a very simple feather design in each corner. 
This reindeer is such a cutie! I thought I should somehow connect
each  'feather corner' along the sides but didn't really know how
 to do it in a stylish manner! (grin)
I cross hatched the centre of the wreath.
I marked only a few 'keeping me straight' lines but got scared so drove along
the edge of my little ruler to keep me even. (I didn't trust my eye after all!)
 Worked OK. 
 Now for a couple of non-red and white photos.
What's going on here...? (below)
I bet you are saying,"Oh dear, Raewyn is cutting up her father's old shirts for (yet) another quilt...."
Nup - wrong....
Mending an old shirt for Dad using an even older shirt. Not actually turning the collar (this time), but giving it a new lease of life anyway!
Inside of collar on Blue checked shirt has a patch from Green checked shirt!
Hope you're all getting some sewing done (even if it's just a spot of mending),
Happy creating,


  1. I really like what you have done with the beautiful stitchery Raewyn.. I have that one tucked away for next year..
    You are a good girl mending your Dad's shirt... I am sure he loves you for it...

  2. Gorgeous red and white....lovely eye candy.

  3. I have seen that pattern a few times at shows and was taken with it. You have done it great justice and wirh some lovely quilting. What is mending?!!!

  4. I like the pieced border you made , very fresh.
    Cool quilting too.

  5. P.S didn't you know our machines are patchwork machines, they don't do mending!!! Well mine is like that!

  6. Very, very cute little Christmas wreath. Love the little star border!

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the red and white and wow mending a shirt !! love it

  8. I can never see enough of "Red & White". Your border makes it perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Love the red stars with the redwork!!! Very pretty!

  10. I adore your little quilt! Framing the stitchery with the stars created such a wonderful piece! And your quilting is superb...even though you don't trust your eye, giggle! And you're also a pretty perfect mender...who knew? Great post!

  11. Love the border around the Stitchery and your quilting is perfect

  12. Ha! I just finished hemming a pair of pants for my son. That's the 4th pair of six he gave. Luckily he did say that there isn't any hurry. I still have to finish hand quilting a small wall hanging.
    I love your wreath. It's a cute design and your finish on it is perfect.

  13. It is absolutely gorgeous Raewyn! And 3" squares to! What a wonderful way to start the holidays.

  14. The stars finish the block - beautiful, but I adore red and white quilts.
    Your dad will be pleased to get more life out of a fav shirt.
    Love Leanne

  15. Wow!! That is just simply stunning!! what a great finish, and your second one this week. Shoot I've had one finish in a month and not nearly as adorable as yours :)

  16. Gosh I used to turn collars and even replace zips. Now I tell Hubby that he pants/shirt is so old, just buy some new ones! Sometimes that works.
    I love the red and white and what a clever idea using your ruler to help you quilt straight.

  17. I love your red and white quilt. The background fabric in the blocks is perfect. Lovely!

  18. I have also done the stitchery But wasn't sure what to do next. Love, love, love what you've done with it. Do you mind if I 'copy' what you did.
    It's just

  19. omg this is so inspired, love, love love it! And I may just borrow your cross hatching idea for the middle, brilliant!

  20. I LOVE what you did with the red and white project!! THat reminds me that I have a pile of red and white fabrics that need to be used. hmmm....maybe I'll find a stitchery!

  21. Love that little white and red print - where did you acquire it from? It looks really lovely. You could add a few tendrils or swirls off the feather that head into the centre if you wanted to add some extra quilting in that area.

  22. Your wreath is so cute :-) What a clever idea to sell preprinted fabrics !
    I hate mending and I think my sewingmachine too, but when my parents ask for it, I take a deep breath and do what they want me to :-)

  23. Hello Raewyn: I was hunting for a Klosjes tutorial in blogland and came upon your wonderful post!! I love hand piecing and am so happy to have found your tutorial. I am in "Hexagon Land" right now, but want to try something different...I will be reading your posts....Thank you Julierose

  24. Hello Raewyn, I am happy to have found your tutorial on Klosjes--it is wonderful. I am a USA quilter who loves handpiecing.

  25. I just love how you have finished the Christmas stitchery, the star border is perfect for it - love, love, love it!! You're a good daughter :)

  26. Your star fabrics are perfect! You have such a good eye! :-)

  27. Love the stitchery you do such beautiful work and clever you for doing the stars, which I know you enjoy doing!
    P.S. Why was it not a show and tell......

  28. Oh Raewyn... is it terribly bad to covert the quilt of another? If it is I'm damned for eternity already. I so wish your gorgeous star studded stitchery was mine. It's absolutely stunning and so beautifully made. Well done you.

  29. Beautiful stitchery Raewyn and I love the addition of the stars but then I do love stars . Great finish !!

  30. Red and white together - such a classic and classy combination. Well done on such a nice 'finish'. And I would never attempt free-motion straight lines, just doesn't work for me, but driving along the edge of a ruler is a great idea!

  31. What a beautiful wreath hanging! I just love it all-- the embroidery, the diagonal stitching, the feathers in the corner and the stars-- it's just dreamy!


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