
Monday, November 5, 2012

A NZ flavour

At the Festival of Quilts last week there were some quilts displayed that had a real New Zealand flavour. I thought you may like to see some of the ways our country is interpreted in quilts. There were some real beauties (and I didn't get photos of them all).

Incredible details
3-D work - look at the edging on the cloth
There were lots of birds on display.
Our Kiwi put in an appearance. Again very 3-D with the lichen and the feathers.
A Tui in a Kowhai tree.
Capturing the Kowhai flowers beautifully.
More NZ birds in a variety of trees.
The Kereru in a Puriri Tree. The wood pigeons love these berries.
The Pukeko and Pohutakawa flowers.
Sorry, I don't know the name of this particular Maori design.
The Tui is in a Flax bush this time. Lovely nectar in these flowers.
O golly - beautiful!
A really common sight at Christmas time
- the NZ Christmas tree, Pohutakawa

A lovely NZ scene.

 Hope you've enjoyed this little gallery - I'm in awe of the talented people who produce such beautiful work :-)


  1. These are definitely images we don't see here in the states. Thanks for showing these beautiful creations!

  2. And I am in AWE as well!
    So enjoyed the pictures of these fabulous NZ quilts!!



  3. Awesome aye! there sure was a lot of thread used for all the thread play.

  4. They are so beautiful. For me it's like visiting New Zealand.

  5. Beautiful!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for the picture.
    I like NZ

  6. Phenomenal quilts! Thanks for sharing these wonderful quilts with. a New Zealand presence!

  7. LOVE the top quilt and the bottom one (Poutakawa) such gorgeous quilts

  8. Just Lovely!!!!

    Thanks for the great quilty parade!

  9. Amazing!!! So vibrant they look almost real!!!

  10. Thanks so much for sharing such talent , wow , they are incredible and so interesting with the various birds and plants native to NZ.

  11. Gorgeous display of quilts Raewyn. I recognised the Kiwi but the rest of the birds and flowers are a bit mystery. Way too beautiful and exotic to be found over here.

  12. I'm so inspired by your blog! First time here:) thank you for doing this! I have to go sew now.

  13. I too am in awe, and I loved the native birds in the large quilt. Lucky for me you took your camera.......

  14. Fascinating quilts. thanks for sharing.


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