
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Catching Up and Keeping Up...

I have this very strong urge to start everything I see, telling myself that if it's only one block a week/month, and no worries!, I can keep up. Sadly this doesn't always happen and mounds of fabric collect around my cave. Happily today I can report on two sewalongs that I have been making progress with lately.
First, the Catching Up project; I fell in love with Hannah and Harrington the minute Michelle of Raspberry Rabbits started talking about them, and it didn't take me long to decide to do this one. Now that I no longer have my hand appliqué (Hop To It) to do at nights, I have pulled this project out. It's been the first time that I've done anything  much with wool felt and I am really loving it. The blocks use running stitch on the wool and simple stitchery for the embroidered bits.
Block 4
Oops I've just realised that these bunnies are missing their eyes!!
Block 3
The next 2 blocks are ones I completed earlier on but I'll re-show them so you can see what fabrics I am using.
Block 1
Block 2

As you can see I have labelled them Block 1-2-3-4 instead of January-February, etc - It makes me feel that I'm not so far behind!! If you are interested in this project, Michelle still has all the patterns on her website.
Now the Keeping Up project; Tomorrow when I get up Joanne will have Block 7 of the Threadhead Quiltalong on her blog ...and guess what...I've done up to Block 6!! Once again if anyone is interested in joining in with the sewalong she still has all the block patterns up on her blog....and her instructions are REALLY clear so they are perfect if you are newer to quilt making. (In fact they are some of the clearest instructions that I have seen in blogland).
Bear's Paw
Ohio Star
Frayed Four Patch
 Here they all are together.
Bottom Bear's Paw may yet replaced, not happy with this one!
And to finish's a little tale...
Four baby birds squawking for their mum, hidden behind the whiteboard in my calf shed,
"Mum oh Mum, where are you?" they say,
"Be still, my babies, I'm not coming in while there's a cat up there."
Sorry folks, sometimes I get a bit carried away when I have my camera!
Have a great day everyone, thank you for visiting,
Happy creating,


  1. I thought I had lots of projects on the go Raewyn but I think you may have more!! Good to see you are getting on top of some. What about the new project I saw you purchasing for on saturday?

  2. Your bunny blocks look really good, and I love the THQA blocks. Have to admit I couldn't see the "bottom bear paw block" for a while. Finally I spotted it--it does emphasize the squares while the claws fade. But that doesn't make it bad, unless you just don't like it that way. : )
    Love the shot of the baby birds with their beaks wide open!

  3. Love your bunny blocks. Unfortunately we only have bunnies that eat the veges out of the garden! Naughty bunnies.

  4. Hannah and Harrinton are looking fabulous and all your blocks look great....

    Love your photos of the babies and the stalking cat...LOL

  5. He he you sound like me... I have lots of catching up to do too!
    Your blocks are looking gorgeous, we have a black bunny living in the paddock behind our house...:O)

  6. Oh I hope the baby birds make it! naught pussy cat!
    Your bunnies look great, cool to do running stitch instead of blanket stitch.
    You really do a great job with all your projects.

  7. I didn't even notice the bunny eyes at first - but then bunnies really do look much better with eyes, so I'm glad you are on top of that. The little birdies are so cute - cute story too! Loved it!

  8. Good for you getting caught up on some projects , I am way behind in Michelle's blocks but I do adore them . Loved your little tale about the little birds , your cat looks determined though .

  9. Some lovely stitching there Raewyn. I wonder where you get your energy from and the time to fit it all in. Hope the birds survive.

  10. So did the Momma bird win or did the cat?
    Love all the blocks you have made!

  11. Don't you know that urges are highly contagious! Especially the ones that involve you showing off yet more gorgeous 'must do' projects. I'm going to get Mac to read your posts out loud to me so I don't have to look at the pictures in future ;o)
    Take good care of those chicks they are too cute to be cat food. I'm off to check out those links now... whatever happens... it'll be your fault :o)

  12. All the blocks look so wonderful. I love the fabric you are using for the QA.
    I hope the baby birds survive.

  13. good for you! I need to catch up on my rabbit blocks.
    watch out little birdies.

  14. Some wonderful projects happening at your house Raewyn. Good on you for catching up! Starting new 'stuff' is really so addictive - but so much fun too!!

  15. Oh I love your idea of counting the blocks instead of using their months, I am going to use that, sounds much nicer, and each one you finish you feel like you're making progess cos the count increases :)
    Amazing pieced blocks, yippee for keeping up such a great effort :)

  16. All your blocks are so cute! I like the snowman with bunnies :)
    And the cat-guardian is soo brave :)


  17. Both your projects are lovely Raewyn, I really love the colours you are using in the the threadhead quiltalong. The blocks are gorgeous. The baby birds are cute, you timed your photo perfectly! Naughty pussy!


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