
Saturday, November 3, 2012

So inspiring...!

Yes, I know I should be catching up and keeping up but I just wanted to tell you about the fabulous day I had yesterday!! Some lovely friends and I drove down to Auckland for the Auckland Guild's annual quilt show. In the past it was called Calico Christmas but it has been renamed "Auckland Festival of Quilts" and golly it really was a festival of quilts.
(Warning - quite a few photos but I have reduced their size so I hope this hasn't taken too long to load!)
This was the Best of Show Quilt. Stunning.
Phantasia by Ansa Breytenbach

Look at this edging!!
Just lovely.

Below is another of this lady's quilts - she showed 3 altogether and all were exquisite in their design, detail and execution. I seem to remember she won Best of Show last year as well.

Rose Feather by Ansa Breytenbach.
All her quilting is done on a domestic sewing machine.
As I look back on my photos I see that I took them of quilts that had interesting (to me) features; a technique or design. Some I just zoomed in on the quilting and took a photo of that. I started to take note of who made which quilt but couldn't keep it up. [If any of the 'locals' see one they would like credit for, please email me].
I didn't necessarily take photos of my absolute favourites. I hope you enjoy a bit of a browse through these. (There were over 250 quilts so my photos really are a drop in the bucket!)
The judges usually have a small display of some of their work,
of which this was one.....
...A close up of the same wall hanging reveals how it was made.
"Graffitti'. Another one that intrigued me...
See close up below.
All the bricks are appliquéd on.
Yes, I loved the colours - but also love the quilting.
Apart from the cream background, there was only one fabric used in this quilt.

Very vibrant.....
...and look at this detail. Luxurious! 

Another beauty....
...see the chain stitch embroidered down the feather spines.
This is one of the Elm Creek quilts.
 (Is it Sylvia's wedding quilt?). 
This was one of the few primitive style quilts with felt applique.
Beautifully done.
A number of quilts were embellished with small beads.
On this large-ish quilt every intersection of the cross hatching (more than
are shown in this photo) had a bead stitched onto it!!
As you came down the stairs towards the exit, was this display of challenge quilts. Participants had to use either turquoise, orange or purple fabrics with black or white for their entry.
The colours made for an eye catching display.

I have lots more photos but won't take up more of your day (or mine) just now. I hope you've enjoyed a look at my fascinating time at the Festival of Quilts.
[I've just noticed Leeann was there yesterday as well. Go to her blog to see a few more photos.]
If you would like to help out some of those who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, you could go and visit Erin at vesuviusmama and offer to make a block or two :-)


  1. Oh goodie! I was hoping you would show off what you saw for those of us who didn't go. wow there are some lovely quilts!

  2. What a wonderful Festival! Thanks for showing the pics. The quilts are outstanding...I also really loved the challenge wall!

  3. Wow, there are some amazing quilts, sounds like a great day!

  4. Creativity knows no bounds. How do people come up with all of these gorgeous designs? It never ceases to amaze me. Beautiful quilts!

  5. Great photos, it was a good day sorry I missed you. I've linked to your blog too :-)

  6. We went down on Friday and had the same fascination with elements of quilts - how did they do this bit or that bit... and wow - some of the quilting was amazing. Lots of close up examinations - being very careful not to touch the quilts of course! Those corded edgings were pretty spectacular too.

  7. Wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing your photos of such gorgeous quilts.:-)

  8. Oh My Goodness what absolutly stunning quilts...

  9. Oh my, oh my!!! Words cannot express how beautiful these quilts are - way beyond my ability!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Wow, those quilts are stunning indeed!!!

    Have a nice weekend, Cisca

  11. OMG those quilts are just incredible. Thanks so much for taking the time to show us around :)


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