
Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Country Yard Exhibition

Every year, about this time, my favourite quilt shop holds an exhibition.
The Country Yard, near Whangarei in Northland (New Zealand) is on this beautiful property.
Come inside the house - what treasures do we see...?
Rooms with quilts displayed throughout.
All made from fabrics, kits, classes from the shop throughout the year.
Also items worked on at the weekly Stitch and Chat sessions.

This is not a judged exhibition, more an excuse for everyone to show their work.
There is a Viewers' Choice Award. Won by this beautiful Sampler quilt made by Jill
in this year's Sampler Class.
See more of this beauty here.

This is the shop. I perch at the door on these days meeting and greeting visitors,
while lots of activity goes on inside.
Raffle quilt on the door.
Inside the shop were more quilts and the challenge entries.
This year the challenge was to create something from the shapes supplied.
Won by the gorgeous dilly bag and accessories on the table.

When you're done with looking at the quilts and shopping, there's always a
cup of tea and nibbles and friends to catch up with.
And listen to the brass band playing in the pergola (vaguely seen in the first photo).
(Or maybe waiting in case your name is drawn out for a spot prize!)
Beautifully manicured gardens make the day a delight.
Our son was married here a few years ago - it was very magical.
 As you can see, we had a beautiful day, I'm sure everyone who attended would join me in thanking Kerryn and Robbie for opening up their home and property to us all.
PPS (Disclaimer statement!) As you can tell I am totally biased, I do work here part-time. Lucky aren't I?
Have a great weekend everyone,


  1. What a fun day and such a lovely setting, I wish I didn't live so far away!

  2. It was a perfect day... and lovely to see all the work accomplished by all The Country Yard stitchers. I even saw a few of your items scattered around!

  3. O, Raewyn, it is so nice to see it all again! what a wonderful day you all had. So many great quilts. and such nice weather, too. DH also looked and recognized the garden with that old van.
    Have a nice week, Cisca

  4. This looks like a wonderful event. I would love something like this! I did notice your little Blessings Basket quilt on the table.
    Lovely place!

  5. Wasn't it a great day!
    The weather was perfect too.

  6. Thank you for the guided tour. What a beautiful place to work and it looks so peaceful. Lovely displays and loved the idea of the challenge with the shapes. May have to borrow that one for my group.

  7. Loved this show. Thanks so much for sharing! Looks like a great shop to work at!

  8. Absolutely delightful.... I loved it. How lucky are you to get to visit that lovely place regularly. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Lovely quilts and what a fabulous setting. Take care.

  10. thanks for taking me to the quilt show too. lovely show.

  11. Sew many beautiful quilts in a delightful setting..

  12. What a beautiful spot to visit plus all of the pretty quilts, too. Looks like a fun day.

  13. I'm glad the weather was so good for it yesterday. Sorry I missed it but thanks for the photos.

  14. Now i would of been there if I lived closer - looks an awesome spot and shop. Of course I homed in on the old truck in the photo - don't suppose you know what it is do you?
    Nice to catch up on your blog - your dads crab apples are beautiful. My helper pruned mine... need i say more?
    Love Leanne

  15. Great photos Raewyn, and it was a great day enjoyed by all. xxxxx

  16. Stunning way to exhibit quilts and projects! Oh, I did not notice any bias, lol

  17. It must be lovely to be part of such a beautiful shop. The quilts look gorgeous.

  18. what a lovely way to hold a quilt exhibition. Lots of lovely quilts in a beautiful venue.

  19. What a lovely exhibition! So cosy and friendly!
    Thank you for sharing!


  20. what a nice exhibit! Leeanne sent me over to check it out. wish i could be closer, i'd have been there for sure!! ~karen


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