
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Treasure

This week I have decided to link into "Tuesday Treasures" which Melody, The House on the Side of the Hill, hosts.
Caroline is a special doll who resides in Mum's sewing room. She was given to her mother (my nana) sometime in the 1920's by Aunty Carrie (hence the name).

 She's had a few ups and downs in her life. Sometime in the 1940s she had a visit to the Doll Hospital for eye strengthening (we think) and a new wig. When my mum was younger she and her siblings were allowed to play with Caroline if they were convalescing in bed. The twins (Mum's youngest sisters) caused havoc one day by deciding she needed a haircut....{where was a Barbie doll when they needed it?!} ...consequently the bonnet stays on!
But she is still rather beautiful and special.
To see more Tuesday Treasures, or to post your own, visit Melody here.


  1. I love your Tuesday treasure, she is so pretty and don't hold it against her for going bald.
    I had many Barbies growing up and needed a boy barbie but never got one so I 'made' one by cutting the hair on one and drawing a mustache!

  2. She is very beautiful. How nice to have a family treasure.

  3. Caroline is rather special and quite beautiful :) I think many dolls stand in for hairdressing dummies at some stage - such a shame their hair never grows back! In Melbourne (aust) there used to be a Dolls Hospital where dolls such as Caroline could be 'operated' on (eye operations a speciality I'm told!)I wonder if NZ has one similar?

  4. What a lovely Tuesday Treasure! With lots of care your doll will last for many years :-)

  5. she is so cute, even with her bad hairday hihi.

  6. Caroline is beautiful, Raewyn and I love her story a very special treasure. She doesn't show her age at all.

  7. How beautiful she is! Certainly something to treasure.

  8. Your doll is a real treasure.I love it!

  9. What a beautiful doll and the family history attached makes her even more special.

  10. What a wonderful treasure to have. I'm sure she holds a special place in your heart.

  11. A very beautiful treasure , a very special doll with some many memories attached .So sweet!

  12. Caroline is really lovely. Wish my family had kept treasures from their past. They were all too keen on having clear outs.... afraid I'm guilty of that too.

  13. Wow! This really is a treasure. Someone thought you a treasure to have given the doll to you. Trish


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