
Thursday, November 10, 2011

My 3rd Hop To It and an Exhibition.

Here's the third of my Hop To It blocks - I had the colours in my circles back to front (and it looked terrible!) so I am happy to say it's all fixed up and ready to share.

This is a gorgeous project and I am enjoying doing it.

Recently 'my local' had its annual exhibition. It a great day with live music, tea and coffee (and eats) in the marquee, and quilts and projects displayed around the house [and often a tempting sale in the shop too :-)].
We're all encouraged to display our work as it is not judged... there is only a viewers' choice award... it's all about sharing what we have done and having a great day.

These two photos from last year's exhibition.

This year I didn't have a lot of finished items to share but displayed two projects -
This was a quilt I made for my ED's previous birthday.
Centre quilt (Tarn's Chocolate quilt) - the photo is a bit dark but you
can see how lovingly arranged everything
 is around the house.
and here is the cushion I made as a result of the Hugs n Kisses Stitcharoundtheblock, along with several made by other participants. 
Mine is at the front, Leeanne's is on the left and Kerry's to the right.
 For a few more shots of the exhibition, visit Leeann's blog.

Excitement!!! Tomorrow I am picking up my son and his wife from the airport- they are back in NZ for a week!!!!
Have a good day every-one - and thanks for popping in!


  1. I really like the colours you have chosen for your block. Looks great.

    Lovely quilt and cushion you have displayed in the exibition.

    Enjoy your son's visit

  2. Looks like such a relaxing atmosphere for the show and I love how everything is casually arranged around the house. Your cushion is beautiful! And I hope you have a great time with your son and family!

  3. Your HTI block looks wonderful - this was such a pretty pattern.

  4. OOh have a lovely visit with your son & wife.
    Do I spy the fabric James picked out in the hop to it block. Love your colours as normal.

    Love Leanne

  5. Again a lovely block, I love it! The exhibition looks great, all three cussions different and all gorgeous! The quilts are so nice, you indeed had a great day!
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  6. Love the applique blocks. So glad I'm so behind on my projects that I don't feel drawn to do them too.

  7. After deciding to use up some scraps doing an applique quilt, it was a toss up between the Hop to It quilt, and My Whimsical Quilt Garden quilt - and chose MWQG this time. I'm sure I'll have enough scraps leftover to do the HTI once I've finished. Your blocks certainly are inspiration...

  8. Looks like a fun day... lot's of beautiful quilts!
    Enjoy your week with your son and DDIL!!!

  9. Your block is simply beautiful. I'll be watching for the progress on this quilt, I am sure it is going to be stunning.

  10. Your hop to it block is gorgeous, you have chosen lovely colours. And I love the cushion you made, that is a beautiful pattern.

  11. beautiful colors in your Hop To It blocks!!! and nice lines. some autumn or forest or late flowers.. very nice!

  12. just love your blocks Raewyn and the colours are fantastic. Love everything else too, just beautiful. Enjoy your son and dil

  13. Oh your applique blocks are definitely gorgeous and you do such beautiful stitches. That's my sort of quilt exhibition, the venue look great. Have a lovely time with family.

  14. Your block is stunning! Well done!
    Enjoy your time with your son. I know how excited you must be.
    I will get to see my oldest son at Thanksgiving. We are going to his place this year.

  15. It sure is a gorgeous project and I like the idea of an annual exhibition.

  16. That is a great looking block you have there. Great job!

    Looks like a great place for an exhibition too!!!

  17. Lovely block and I'm enjoying seeing your progress with this pattern!

  18. the colours in your hop to it blocks are beautiful.
    Lovely quilts displayed. Great to see your stitch round the block cushions. I joined in for that too and loved it. The three are gorgeous!

  19. Your work is so lovely and what a beautiful venue for the exhibition.


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