
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Paris in April and Hopping a Bit

I'm in between projects so thought I would do a quick share.
As soon as I saw this gorgeous April in Paris fabric I knew it would be perfect for my sister - so here is her {belated}{but only by a few days} birthday present.
The bag pattern is from and is called Quilted Tote Bag. A couple of friends have used it so I was happy to have the opportunity to make it up too - it's a lovely shape; a great size for popping under the armpits and wearing with a swanky walk!
I altered the pattern slightly so the seams were at the sides rather than the
centre of the front and back.
Pockets inside and out.
I love it - and can see another one being made shortly!!
Another deadline I've just (sort-of) completed is my monthly Hop To It block. Well, to be honest and just to confuse you, although I have finished October's block, I still have September's block to complete - I just had a 'small confusion'  over the colour of some of my circles and want to re-do them.
Block 11 - Spring Breezes, from Hop To It by Edyta Sitar
Lovely curved shapes to appliqué around

For those who are taking part in this stitchalong, Joanne has asked me to select this month's block--- using my random number generator and Nanny's best Queen Anne fine china... we have a winner —
 - block 4 for November.
I have no idea why I didn't close the cupboard doors before I took the photo!!
And for those of you who like to see my 'farmyard shots' here are the cows the other morning munching away in a fresh paddock of grass. Nice to have the spring growth and to be able to feed them well :-)

So now it's time for me to get back to my next project - thank you for popping in, and happy stitching every-one.


  1. Nice bag, and I love your block!! Part of me would like to do more applique, but it just seems so time-consuming. May have to rethink that after seeing yours.

  2. I love your bag! And your block is beautiful.

  3. Cute block and nice cows and I love the tea cup, that looks like the same set you bought in with yummies on for morning tea last week?
    Of course your bag rocks too....but I already told you that.

  4. Ha ha I was wondering about those open cupboards! That's the kind of thing I do. The bag is gorgeous your sister will be pleased

  5. Gorgeous bag! Fantastic applique (how DO you get it so neat??!!!!) Cute cows and if you ask me, your pantry looks very neat and tidy!

    Happy stitching to you too!

  6. The bag is gorgeous, I love the shape and fabric, and your block is lovely. Do you use back basting needleturn like the tutorial on your sidebar? Yours looks perfect!

  7. Gorgeous fabric and great style for the bag!
    Your cows look happy and healthy too :O)

  8. Can I be your sister and get a bag like that for my birthday ;) Love the fabric and the shape is tres chic! Great applique on your Hop To It block.... perfect circles too. It's going to be a fab quilt.
    Cows in the morning mist... hope the sun came out for them later.

  9. Nice bag! I just went to my applique group and got that block today. I need to get busy since now I am 4 behind. UGH!

  10. -the bag is really great, beautiul fabrics and a perfect size for a womens bag. I´m sure your sister will be very happy!
    Beautiful applicated block, so perfect!
    Liebe Grüße
    ps. thank you for taking my blog into your bloglist, that pleases me *smile*

  11. I have that fabric it is adorable isn't it ::))
    Love the cows in the meadow

  12. Wow, what a gorgeous bag you made for your sister! Nice fabric, I didn't see it here!
    And your applique block is so lovely, your work is very neat.
    The cows will be very content in their fresh meadows, nice photo!
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  13. I love the bag and your block turned out great!
    Looking forward to making the next one, thanks for picking it.♥

  14. Wonderful stitching. Your bag is fantastic.

  15. Adorable bag and block. I never noticed the open cupboard until you mentioned it. :o)

  16. Fabulous fabric for a bag and another beautiful block!


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