
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ups and Downs

What a week it has been; full of ups and downs.

The down side of course has been listening, watching, waiting for news of the 29 miners trapped down the Pike River mine, near Greymouth in NZ's South Island. Unfortunately a rescue was not possible and after several more large explosions, we are now mourning their deaths.

Shirley of dyeing2design of Rangiora has put the call out for heart blocks to make into quilts for the affected families. Up here in Northland, Leeanne has suggested that we put a quilt together to send down to Shirley... so....calling all Northlanders (or anyone else who is interested)...please send a block to either myself or Leeanne. Please email one of us for our address details.
Please make your blocks to the following dimensions - 

  • Cream background (calico is fine)
  • 6 1/2 " unfinished size (They will be 6" finished)
  • Pieced or appliquéd hearts - any colours or patterns

The Ups of my week have been my fabulous visit to Melbourne. More details on that later.


  1. Cool Raewyn.
    Look forward to hearing about your Melbourne visit!

  2. Hi Raewyn great idea the heart squares - I am on to it done 2 - if you want a hand to put it all together let me know.

  3. Such sad news.I have sent some blocks to Shirley.


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