
Monday, November 29, 2010

My visit to a big city!

As I hinted at in my last post, I had a wonderful weekend in Melbourne. For a country girl who lives on a metal road though it was all a bit mind boggling at first!! People, people, people everywhere - luckily I was with friends who had visited before and have a sense of geographical nous I will never have (it's hereditary - I blame my father).
We shopped until we dropped on the first day (although that's a lie in my case, as I think I was still shell shocked at being there and just bought a few touristy things) - and then I had my first-ever train ride out to meet my son (BB) and DIL when they had finished work.

How glorious to see them - it's my first visit to Australia, for a variety of reasons we have just never got over there and have relied on them coming back to NZ to visit us.

We spent the next day and a half at the Australian Quilt Market, which is put on for retailers each year. I had a lovely time accompanying Kerryn (The Country Yard) and looking at all the lovely things we could bring back to the shop. And so awesome to meet so many of the designers - we found them all really nice and helpful. Of course we couldn't buy everything but we did order a fair amount of stuff  - it will be fun waiting for the postie and rediscovering the treasures.
A plus at the AQM was a quilt display by Eileen Campbell and Mariya Waters. Absolutely gorgeous quilts; I recognised a lot of them from magazine articles from the past but to see them 'for real' was an absolute privilege.
My photos don't do them justice (And for some reason I only have pics of Eileen Campbell's work)—
Pelican Twilight, by Eileen Campbell, won Quilt of The World in 2002
One of these is Iron Lace by Eileen Campbell. Sorry not sure of the other.
Appliqué detail
Garden Memories of Japan By Eileen Campbell
Medieval Inspirations by Eileen Campbell.

I also was able to catch up with an old school friend, which was so great; we didn't have nearly enough time together (I feel another trip coming on!) and saw BB and DIL again on Sunday afternoon. Absolutely fabulous!!!! I didn't get nearly enough photos of the sights and sounds of Melbourne, but here a few that I snapped and actually turned out.......
Wasn't expecting this - all of a sudden the nightsky lit up with
these pillars putting on an awesome display.
There was a fabulous Christmas display with lights, music and fun surprises, somewhere in the city (!); we were lucky as its first night was our last night there.

Kerryn, Gina and myself


  1. Looks like you had a great time - isn't the train ride marvellous I had my first train ride at 60 - us country girls - take a while to adapt to city life LOL !!! Love the quilts - the Pelican one is amazing.

  2. Oh thanks for the pics...I bet you loved looking at the applique quilts?

  3. Great to hear you got to go to the it was Fabulous...I'm going down in April for the first time...Lovely for you to catch up with friends & family...

  4. sounds like you had a blast raewijn. thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Wow sounds like you had a great trip and the quilts are amazing! Bet it seems real quiet to be back at home.

  6. So pleased you had a fantastic trip to Melbourne. Good for you to get a break away from the farm.

  7. Amazing pictures, I can only begin to imagine how breathtaking they must have been in person. I enjoyed reading through your most recent posts and seeing all the lovelies you are working on.

  8. Looks like you had a super time.
    Awe inspiring quilts.

  9. It looks like you had a great trip. Glad you were able to see you son & DIL. The quilts are beautiful. I love those blocks you made in the other post that look like log cabins. I'll be back to see the finished quilt top.

  10. Love your pics Raewyn, how fabulous to be able to visit with your son and DIL, bet they were thrilled to see you! Those quilts are amazing, the detail is incredible, I really love Garden Memories. Have you got the next trip planned yet?? lol

  11. Oh, such a wonderful trip! And, the quilts are beautiful too!


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