
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happiness is...

Happiness is.....
...relaxing on a hot day.....
(as happy as a pig in mud) new SewEzi Table to go with my new machine...
...all the first blocks completed for the MOML's Christmas quilt...
..bags!! Off to Melbourne for the weekend!
Attending the Retailers' Quilt Market with Kerryn (The Country Yard)
AND will get to see my son and DIL
(big happiness)
Prepped stitcheries all ready to sew over the weekend, if I
don't talk too much, that is!!
...have a good one everyone, I surely will!!!


  1. This is a hard decision--whether to be that pig in the mud pool or working on a new machine and table set up---Humm this one will take some thinking on!!!!
    Have a good safe trip--
    Hugs, Di
    ps--sorry I am behind in my reading of your post--it is all Gracie's fault!!!

  2. By the time you get this you will be off....But do have a great time, can't wait to see what goodies you and Kerryn come back with for the shop...see you Tuesday!
    Happy, happy for you and the pig!

  3. Oh I think you will be happier than that pig when you're in Melbourne have a great time!

  4. Byeeeee! wave wave. Have a great time in Melbourne and come back with lots of yummy stuff :-)

  5. Awww please don't even mention stitchery to me ;'(
    Have a funtastic weekend in Melbourne - I know you will xxx

  6. Oh just love the pig in the mud.
    Love your chose of machine. I have had my for about 18mths now. The table looks like a great way to sew.
    Have a wonderful time in Melboure.

  7. Love your New Machine just Gorgeous...I'm sure you will enjoy the show & Lovely that you able to catch up with family..

  8. Wowee - look at that shiny new machine! Hope you have a wonderful time in Melbourne. Take care.

  9. Hi Raewyn...have a fabulous time in Melbourne...I believe the weather is going to be kind to us this weekend.. Kate x

  10. Are you ever a lucky stiff. Have a good time. By the by, your new machine and table look great!


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