
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The first day of Spring

Here is today's flower - the Rosemary Bush was the perfect place for a blue flower!!

- I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to complete one today as this is the sight that greeted me at 5am this morning.....
Yes, I started prepping last night but then got tired and went to bed without completing the process and /or tidying up!!
But I'm back on track!!
Today's flower makes 30!! 
It's fun to lay them all out - but shows me I need to make a FEW more to make a decent sized quilt!! It's good to see, too, which colours work and which ones I won't use again!!

As it's the first official day of spring here in New Zealand, and it's a beautiful day, I thought I'd take my camera with me while I did some of my farm jobs this morning.....
There aren't many blossom trees flowering just yet but the Magnolia is looking nice...imagine it in 10 years time when its twice as big and covered in flowers.
Wish there was a blogging gadget for sharing the scent!!
...these two were happy to be shifted, here they are off to a new paddock —
Then I 'took time to smell the roses' ..... wondering what would happen if I laid down on the grass for a little while....

I am grateful  that I had time to 'smell the roses' today.
It's so good for the soul and something we should all try to do regularly.
Happy stitching everyone... do have some time out and visit a few more hexie gardens!


  1. Hexies are looking good Raewyn. Isn't it great thats its Sept 1st

  2. always make time to smell the roses.
    have a great day.

  3. Your hexies are looking great. So glad Spring has fianlly arrived. Jeanette

  4. Your flower garden looks like a very happy garden. And spring is the very best season of all don't you think? (here fall is coming up, but it seems like it started a few weeks ago :-(
    I like the expression 'smell the roses' makes me smile.
    Have a nice day.

  5. Your flowers are looking really good

  6. Lovely flower and your garden is growing.
    Here it's almost authum brrrrrrrr, I wish we also got spring, but we can't get everything ;-)


  7. the shot of your gummies and the cows!It was a great day for washing and airing quilts...thats what i did.

  8. Hey...I thought you only have sheep in NZ :-)

    I love your flowers and all the other pics

  9. Your hexies look super - I really like the fabric and your magnolia is gorgeous. Great shot of the cows!

  10. Your hexies look very "SPRING"
    Love the phto of the cows.

  11. Wonderful post! Happy first day of Spring!

  12. I love the cows nibbling around your gumboots! Such a classic Kiwi shot!!!

  13. Enjoy the spring! It means, though, that autumn is coming here in teh Netherlands. But I do love all the seasons, but spring, with the beautiful magnolia's is the best season, I think. And great flower youve made!

  14. happy first day of Spring!!! Oh I am so happy you chose to smell the roses! That picture with the cows is AMAZING!!!
    Your flower is lovely and all of them together are looking like the perfect spring garden.
    oh, Reawyn, I sincerely hope this means it will be getting cooler for us soon!
    Missed you! Happy to be catching up again.

  15. A pretty blue flower for your garden and I certainly enjoy the tour of your farm and your animals , thanks for sharing .

  16. Love the pictures. While you're celebrating spring I am impatiently waiting for fall. It's been a very long HOT summer! Enjoy!

  17. Lovely flower(s), Raewin. And lovely pictures, too, wonderful spring has begun in New Zealand!
    Greetings, Cisca

  18. Nice flower, such a cool colour.

  19. Your garden is looking mighty fine.

    Hope you didn't lie down in a mud pie. GRIN

    Love Leanne

  20. Pretty blue flower in the rosemary!
    Love your farm photos too.

  21. Lovely flowers,,,your garden is looking so pretty...but the farm looks amazing...!!!! the wellies x

  22. Your garden of hexies is growing, It looks great laid out. Cute farm photo's too!

  23. You flowers are lovely! and it's so good to enjoy the first day of spring, and smell the roses... Life is to short not to enjoy every day!

  24. Can't wait to see the hexy quilt, isn't it a lovely time of the year, spring daffodils, the calves jumping and skipping - I took 270 photos of ours - YES 270 - sent the good ones to grandchildren in Aussie


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