
Saturday, September 11, 2010

What to do with 144 9-patches?

This year my Round Robin group has been swapping 9-patches. 
There are 12 in our group so we all make 12 identical 9-patches, meet and swap them. However, that is the simplified version of the process!! It's been a little different to that - some months we make 2 sets, other months just the one set. Some months some of us forget the 2 sets, so the next month there is 3 sets to supply.... (get the picture) and so on. Now you would think that 12 grown up ladies could all sit in an orderly circle and pass their 9-patches around in an orderly fashion so we all end up with orderly and identical little piles of 9-patches - I THINK NOT!!! It has been a hilarious process and at times we have just shaken our heads in bewilderment as we sit there counting our piles and trying to work out which one we are missing!!!
We had the final 9-patch swap recently so now its time to get sewing them together (and I tell you I am pleased to not have to sew another 9-patch for a while!!).
Here is what I have decided to do with mine.
I got this idea from Mary's blog; she has a useful tutorial; I just had to alter the sizes to suit my blocks. Very simple; cut rectangles diagonally, then sew them on. You could almost do it in your sleep if you wanted.
The idea is that this is my current leader and ender project but sometimes I get carried away...!
(the first seam is a partial one)
The 9-patch swap has been in addition to our main project this year. A round-robin-row-by-row. We still have a few more months of this to go so I cant show any little peaks of some of the things I've been doing - just in case any of my friends happen to read my blog and get ideas about what I have done for them... but after our December meeting I will be able to reveal all!! All our rows have been so different and it has been a fun and interesting challenge.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and manages to squeeze some sewing into it.


  1. Oh what a fun swap and I love what you are doing with your ( Patches.
    Round Robin Row by Rows are such fun. Our group have done a few and now they will be displayed at our hanging.

  2. Wow, that's quite a few 9 patches. I like what you're doing with them. Can't wait to see them finished.

  3. Just soooo funny, it was like being there all over again reading about the Nine-Patch Swap!!I'm sure only those in the group really 'get' how funny it is, it's one of those 'you had to be there' moments.
    Neat what you are doing with your nine patches.....don't you want to make anymore? :-(

  4. I can see you all sit and puzzle ... really hilarious.
    I love the nine-patches and the idea of getting them into a dynamic block. great!

  5. Ha! Love the pic of your sewing table with them all tumbling off the side.

  6. I did a swap of nine patches and we had the same problems with the swap. There was always someone who 'forgot' to bring their blocks. (ie they hadn't done them!) and the confussion was like faulty towers, in the end we let the member with the most ocd tendancies sort them for us so she could keep her sanity! Was so funny.

  7. Love the layout of your nine patches, looks great set on the angle.

  8. Hi Raewyn..Thank you so much for visiting me...I love your quilt and the your swap group sounds like so much fun,,Hope DS arrived safe in Melbourne after his long trip,,,Take care Kate x

  9. Thank you for your mail, Raewyn. Like the story about the 9-patches, it's very hilarious! Like the way you sew them together!
    Have a nice day, Cisca

  10. What a fun swap. I think the layout of the block is great. Thanks for sharing.

    This is my first visit and I will visit you again. :) Carolyn from Des Moines, Iowa

  11. How fun, Raewyn! These are happy 9 patches for sure. I really like your setting: adds to the fun! And the grey allows the colours to shine: love it!
    This week I had a scrap gathering leader/enders session and I could really see how fun it could get! Thanks for the fabulous idea!

  12. This is really cool patch designs. I really love your blog. You always come up with new ideas. In fact, I’ve seen something like that after a long time.

    homemade embroidered patches
    homemade back patches


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